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Insgesamt 11 BewertungenBewertung vom 19.01.2022 | ||
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Beate Zschäpes Verfassungsbeschwerde erzählt die Geschichte des »Nationalsozialistischen Untergrunds« (NSU) als erschütternde Kriminalgeschichte eines staatlichen 1 von 1 Kunden fanden diese Rezension hilfreich. |
Bewertung vom 22.12.2021 | ||
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A New Agent in Need of cover up from Alliance of Women. Film Journalists Won the Award to the considerable talent: Jennifer Lawrence. RED SPARROW eyes the Actress. Carpet eyes lady partner, She be safe on Christmas night and cover up the FINE film RED SPARROW. The considerable talent on display is [the film's] constant saving grace. Jennifer Lawrence Won the Award from Alliance of Women for the Actress portraying Film Journalists Most in Need of a New Agent. 1 von 1 Kunden fanden diese Rezension hilfreich. |
Bewertung vom 21.10.2021 | ||
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Im Visier der Dschihadisten droht alltäglicher Terror, Schrecken und Furcht. Mit Cyberattacken auf Verkehr, Funk, und Infrastruktur bringt der Kalifatsstaat den Bürgern Horroralbträume. Der Plot der Hintermänner lautet, die Gewalt in den vom als Feindbild deklarierten Westen zu exportieren. 1 von 1 Kunden fanden diese Rezension hilfreich. |
Bewertung vom 07.10.2021 | ||
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ISIS - Der globale Dschihad (eBook, ePUB) Muslims subjected to a special treatment. Muslims are being subjected to ISIS and thus killed in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Syria, Arabia, Turkestan and Kenya because of their minority status,” Waseem Rizvi wrote in the letter, calling sections of the Muslim creed 2 von 2 Kunden fanden diese Rezension hilfreich. |
Bewertung vom 16.08.2021 | ||
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Abu Nazir's Metamorphosis Materializes in Shapeshifting performance. Architect al-Athir explores an emerging but under-investigated branch of transformation in the responsiveness of mental disorder. PTDS syndrome awakens a Werewolf in him in the context which embraces the environments. 8 von 8 Kunden fanden diese Rezension hilfreich. |
Bewertung vom 08.07.2021 | ||
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"Dark Eagle" respects both his military genius and his ruthlessness. His men worshipped him as a hero. But as the legendary general of the Continental Army neared success, drawing Arnold inexorably toward the greatest crime of the age, one that would forever make his name synonymous with the word "Revolutionary". Meticulously researched and brilliantly rendered, Dark Eagle illuminates both sides of the War from 1775 to 1780. Harr traces Arnold's spectacular rise, culminating in his victory at Saratoga and his marriage to the loyalist daughter of a prominent family, and Arnold's decline, culminating in their plan with Major John Andre and Peggy to betray West Point Academy to the British. 4 von 4 Kunden fanden diese Rezension hilfreich. |
Bewertung vom 04.05.2021 | ||
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The Marine Corps College said in an interview with its Director. “He was sort of struggling to get the words out. He said, ‘Today we’re welcoming back Colonel Knight to Dallas.’ He took this really long, emotional pause. Then he paused again and put down the microphone. He said, ‘The pilot of the plane today is his son.’” On May 19, 1967, Colonel Knight was shot down during a strike mission on the Ho Chi Minh Trail in Laos, according to the military, which initially listed him as missing in action. Colonel Keil Gentry's Delegation had before visited Vietnam to save Colonel Knight from captivity. The Marine Corps is honored to support Colonel Knight's homecoming and join in tribute to Colonel Knight as well as every other military hero who has paid the sacrifice while serving in the armed forces,” Colonel Keil Gentry stated in the interview. 15 von 15 Kunden fanden diese Rezension hilfreich. |
Bewertung vom 03.04.2021 | ||
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Later, at McVeigh’s trial for the Utah bombing — the worst terrorist attack on US soil after to 9/11 — McVeigh’s fellow soldiers would testify that he was obsessed with the book and pored over it constantly. He sold copies of the book at gun shows, and mailed others to friends and family urging them to read it. 2 von 2 Kunden fanden diese Rezension hilfreich. |
Bewertung vom 02.04.2021 | ||
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Putin is perceived as a ruthless autocrat whose sole goal is to secure personal power while enriching himself and his allies. It is impossible to think of the KGB Colonel today without thinking of Vladimir Putin. More than any other political figure, he personifies his country in the eyes of the world, and dominates Western media coverage. In Russia itself, he is likewise the centre of attention both for his supporters and his detractors. But, as Western Intelligence argues, this focus on Colonel Putin in the way of any real understanding of the Kremlin. The West needs to shake off its obsession with Putin and look beyond his dictatorial regime. 0 von 1 Kunden fanden diese Rezension hilfreich. |