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  • Gebundenes Buch

The interaction between mathematics and physics was the topic of a conference held at the Saxon Academy of Science in Leipzig in March 2010. The fourteen talks of the conference have been adapted for this book and give a colourful picture of various aspects of the complex and multifaceted relations. The articles deal in particular with the fundamental changes that are connected with such processes as the emergence of quantum theory, general relativity theory, functional analysis or the application of probabilistic methods. The conference reader is in line with the bilingual character of the…mehr

The interaction between mathematics and physics was the topic of a conference held at the Saxon Academy of Science in Leipzig in March 2010. The fourteen talks of the conference have been adapted for this book and give a colourful picture of various aspects of the complex and multifaceted relations. The articles deal in particular with the fundamental changes that are connected with such processes as the emergence of quantum theory, general relativity theory, functional analysis or the application of probabilistic methods. The conference reader is in line with the bilingual character of the conference, with the introduction and nine articles presented in English, and five in German.
Martina Schneider studierte Musikwissenschaft an der Universität Wien und Klavierpädagogik an der Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Wien. Klavierpädagogin und Chorleiterin an niederösterreichischen Musikschulen, u.a. in Strasshof/Ndb.. Seit 2000 Leiterin der Musikschule in Wien-Meidling, Gründerin und langjährige Leiterin von "VOCAPELLA Strasshof".