Trying to serve plastics engineers speaking different languages and to breach the language barriers within the international plastics community, the idea was born to compile a Glossary of Plastics Terminology in several languages. Although the problems involved in such a word-to-word translation of technical terms without further explanation or interpretation are plentiful, it was nevertheless felt that such a compact "vademecum" would be useful for the plastics technologist and others involved in plastics. The Glossary is now also available in electronic format. For the first time it covers Chinese and Russian as well as English, French, Spanish, Italian, and German translations of approx. 2200 terms related to chemistry, properties, testing and technology of plastics. In general, the user will find only one translation for any technical term in each language, used most often in the daily work of people involved with plastics.
"Das Buch enthält Wort-für-Wort-Übersetzungen gängiger Begriffe ohne weitere Erklärungen oder Interpretationen. Darüber hinaus enthält die neue Ausgabe eine CD-Rom mit der vollständigen Fachwörter-Datenbank. Beide Versionen des Glossars sind hilfreich zum schnellen Nachschlagen von Begriffen und eignen sich für Übersetzungen kurzer Fachtexte." -- GAK Gummi Fasern Kunststoffe, September 2010