Paul Delsalle is Professor of Modern History at the Université de Franche-Comté, France, specialising in the editing of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century documents. Between 1990 and 1995 he was Lecturer in Archival Studies at the University of Haute-Alsace in Mulhouse, France. Margaret Procter is Senior Lecturer in Record and Archive Studies at the University of Liverpool, UK, and previously worked as a professional archivist. She has worked with the International Council on Archives for over 25 years,most recently as Editor of its multilingual journal Comma.
Preface to the English Edition
Introduction to the French Edition
1. The Ancient World
2. The Classical World: from Greek City States to the Roman Empire
3. Archives and Archival Practices in Asia and Africa: from Antiquity to
the Eighteenth Century
4. Archives and Archival Practices in the Americas up to the Eighteenth
5. In the Chanceries and Muniment Rooms of Medieval Europe, Fifth to
Fifteenth Centuries
6. Buildings and Equipment in Western Europe: Late Antiquity to the
Seventeenth Century
7. The Defining Era: Simancas, the Habsburgs and the Sixteenth Century
8. Bureaucracy and Archival Centralisation in Early Modern Europe
9. Being an Archivist in Early Modern Europe
10. Methods and Techniques for Classification and Arrangement: Fifteenth to
Eighteenth Centuries
11. Legislation, Literature and Practice in the Nineteenth and Twentieth
12. Buildings and Readers, Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
13. Archives Destroyed, Protected and Reconstructed: Nineteenth and
Twentieth Centuries
14. The Rise of a Profession, Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
15. From Mutual Assistance to International Networks, Nineteenth and
Twentieth Centuries
16. Conclusion: the Value of the Historical Perspective
Afterword to the English Edition