Brings together the teachings of Hasidic master Rabbi Levi Yitzhak of Berdichev and the practice of mindfulness meditation. Covering the Five Books of Moses, these two volumes present accessible translations of selections from Kedushat Levi with Rabbi Slater's commentary and spiritual practices to illuminate their message.
Brings together the teachings of Hasidic master Rabbi Levi Yitzhak of Berdichev and the practice of mindfulness meditation. Covering the Five Books of Moses, these two volumes present accessible translations of selections from Kedushat Levi with Rabbi Slater's commentary and spiritual practices to illuminate their message.
Rabbi Jonathan P. Slater, DMin, was ordained at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America and has a doctor of ministry degree from the Pacific School of Religion. He is the author of Mindful Jewish Living: Compassionate Practice and codirector of programs at the Institute for Jewish Spirituality, as well as an instructor in meditation at the JCC in Manhattan and other venues. He contributed to Who by Fire, Who by Water¿ Un'taneh Tokef; We Have Sinned: Sin and Confession in Judaism¿Ashamnu and Al Chet; and All These Vows¿Kol Nidre (both Jewish Lights).
The Book of Leviticus Vayikra 3 Tzav 11 Shemini 16 Tazria 24 Metsora 32 Acharei Mot 41 Kedoshim 49 Emor 57 Behar 67 Bechukkotai 7 The Book of Numbers Bemidbar 81 Naso 85 Beha'alotekha 92 Shelach Lekha 100 Korach 116 Chukkat 127 Balak 139 Pinchas 155 Mattot 167 Mase'ei 172 The Book of Deuteronomy Devarim 179 Väetchanan 190 Eikev 200 Re¿eih 209 Shofetim 215 Ki Teitzei 222 Ki Tavo 229 Nitzavim 235 Vayeilekh 244 Häazinu 248 Vezot Haberakhah 254 Acknowledgments 257 Suggestions for Further Reading 263