Rabbi Steven Carr Reuben is senior rabbi emeritus of Kehillat Israel Reconstructionist Congregation in Pacific Palisades, California, and a past president of the Board of Rabbis of Southern California. He is the author of numerous books, including Children of Character: Leading Your Children to Ethical Choices in Everyday Life and Making Interfaith Marriage Work. ¿
Rabbi Steven Carr Reuben is senior rabbi emeritus of Kehillat Israel Reconstructionist Congregation in Pacific Palisades, California, and a past president of the Board of Rabbis of Southern California. He is the author of numerous books, including Children of Character: Leading Your Children to Ethical Choices in Everyday Life and Making Interfaith Marriage Work. ¿
Rabbi Steven Carr Reuben is senior rabbi emeritus of Kehillat Israel Reconstructionist Congregation in Pacific Palisades, California, and a past president of the Board of Rabbis of Southern California. He is the author of numerous books, including Children of Character: Leading Your Children to Ethical Choices in Everyday Life and Making Interfaith Marriage Work.
Foreword, by Rabbi David A. Teutsch Acknowledgments Introduction 1. Genesis (Bere’shit) Bere’shit: Fulfillment Noä: Good Enough Lekh Lekha: Purpose Va-yera’: Interconnectedness H ayyei Sarah: Lovingkindness Toledot: Family Va-yetse’: Seeking Va-yishlah : God-Wrestling Va-yeshev: Thoughtlessness Mikkets: Dreams Va-yiggash: Destiny Va-yeh i: Appreciation 2. Exodus (Shemot) Shemot: Revelation Va-’era’: Mercy Bo’: Hardened Heart Be-shallah : Action Yitro: Self-Interest Mishpatim: Human Dignity Terumah: Indwelling Tetsavveh: Light Ki Tissa’: Giving Va-yak’hel: Community Pekudei: Building 3. Leviticus (Va-yikra’) Va-yikra’: Prayer Tsav: Firelight Shemini: Godliness Tazriä: Witness Metsorä: Defilement ’Ah arei Mot: Scapegoat Kedoshim: Holiness ’Emor: Hunger Be-har: Oppression Be-h ukkotai: Free Will 4. Numbers (Be-midbar) Be-midbar: Wilderness Naso’: Blessings Be-häalotekha: Humility Shelä-Lekha: Perception Korah : Rebellion H ukkat: Anger Balak: Dwellings Pinh as: Women Mattot: Vows Mase ei: Vengeance 5. Deuteronomy (Devarim) Devarim: Discovery Va-’eth annan: Oneness Ekev: Gratitude Re’eh: Choice Shofetim: Justice Ki Tetse’: Indifference Ki Tavo’: Experiencing God Nitsavim: Generations Va-yelekh: Teaching Ha’azinu: Rock Ve-zo’t ha-berakhah: Divine Kiss 6. Holidays Rosh Hashanah: Sovereignty of God Yom Kippur: Transformation Sukkot: Gratitude Shemini Atzeret: Sharing the Divine Presence Simh at Torah: Celebration Hanukkah: Rededication Purim: Resilience Pesach: Freedom Yom ha-Shoah: Living in the Shadow Yom ha-Atzmaut: Building a Just Nation Shavuot: Torah Epigraph Source Acknowledgments Notes Bibliography