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You want to write professional-grade applications: Rails is a full-stack, open-source web framework, with integrated support for unit, functional, and integration testing. It enforces good design principles, consistency of code across your team (and across your organization), and proper release management.
But Rails is more than a set of best practices. Rails makes it both fun and easy to turn out very cool web applications. Need Ajax support, so your web applications are highly interactive? Rails has it built in. Want an application that sends and receives e-mail? Built in. Supports

You want to write professional-grade applications: Rails is a full-stack, open-source web framework, with integrated support for unit, functional, and integration testing. It enforces good design principles, consistency of code across your team (and across your organization), and proper release management.

But Rails is more than a set of best practices. Rails makes it both fun and easy to turn out very cool web applications. Need Ajax support, so your web applications are highly interactive? Rails has it built in. Want an application that sends and receives e-mail? Built in. Supports internationalization and localization? Built in. Do you need applications with a REST-based interface (so they can interact with other RESTful applications with almost no effort on your part)? All built-in.

With this book, you'll learn how to use ActiveRecord to connect business objects and database tables. No more painful object-relational mapping. Just create your business objects and let Rails do the rest. Need to create and modify your schema? Migrations make it painless (and they're versioned, so you can roll changes backward and forward). You'll learn how to use the Action Pack framework to route incoming requests and render pages using easy-to-write templates and components. See how to exploit the Rails service frameworks to send emails, implement web services, and create dynamic, user-centric web-pages using built-in Javascript and Ajax support. There is extensive coverage of testing, and the rewritten Deployment chapter now covers Phusion Passenger.As with the previous editions of the book, we start with an extended tutorial that builds parts of an online store. And, of course, the application has been rewritten to show the best of Rails V2.
The definitive, Jolt-award winning guide to learning and using Rails is now in its Second Edition. Rails is a new approach to web-based application development that enables developers to create full-featured, sophisticated web-based applications using less code and less effort. Now programmers can get the job done right and still leave work on time.

NEW IN THE SECOND EDITION: The book has been updated to take advantage of all the new Rails 1.2 features. The sample application uses migrations, Ajax, features a REST interface, and illustrates new Rails features. There are new chapters on migrations, active support, active record, and action controller (including the new resources-based routing). The Web 2.0 and Deployment chapters have been completely rewritten to reflect the latest thinking. Now you can learn which environments are best for your style application, and see how Capistrano makes managing your site simple. All the remaining chapters have been extensively updated. Finally, hundreds of comments from readers of the first edition have been incorporated, making this book simply the best available.

Rails is a full-stack, open source web framework that enables you to create full-featured, sophisticated web-based applications with a can create a full Rails application using less code than the setup XML you'd need just to configure some other frameworks.

With this book, you'll learn how to use Rails Active Record to connect business objects and database tables. No more painful object-relational mapping. Just create your business objects and let Rails do the rest. You'll learn how to use the Action Pack framework to route incoming requests and render pages using easy-to-write templates and components. See how to exploit the Rails service frameworks to send emails, talk to web services, and interact dynamically with JavaScript applications running in the browser (the "Ajax" architecture).

You'll see how easy it is to deploy Rails. You'll be writing applications that work with your favorite database (MySQL, Oracle, Postgres, and more) in no time at all.
"Hin und wieder hat man ein Programmierbuch in der Hand, das man gar nicht mehr weglegen möchte, weil es eine wahre Freude ist, darin zu lesen. Um solch ein Buch handelt es sich bei dem hier besprochenen Werk zu Ruby on Rails. [...] Rails ist noch eine sehr junge Technologie und Agile Web Development with Rails ist das erste dazu erschienene Buch [...]. Und wer könnte besser dazu geeignet sein als Dave Thomas und David Heinemeier Hansson. Letzterer ist Entwickler von Rails selbst und Dave Thomas der Autor von Programming Ruby, dem Standardwerk zu Ruby. [...] Das Buch ist in mehrere Teile gegliedert. Der erste Teil beinhaltet eine kurze Einführung und eine Installationsanleitung zu Rails. Der beeindruckendste Abschnitt im Buch ist der zweite. Auf ca. 130 Seiten entwickeln die Autoren Schritt für Schritt einen Webshop auf Rails-Basis. Beeindruckend deshalb, weil es die Autoren schaffen, dem Leser deutlich zu machen, wie einfach und schnell man mit Rails Anwendungen entwickeln kann. Das alles ist einfach und verständlich erklärt und man hat nie das Gefühl, den Erklärungen nicht mehr folgen zu können. Den Abschluss des Tutorials bildet ein ausführliches und sehr interessantes Kapitel zum Thema Testen von Rails-Anwendungen. Der dritte und größte Teil des Buches bietet dann einen umfangreichen Überblick über das Rails-Framework. [...] Den Abschluss bildet ein Anhang mit Source Code und einer Einführung in Ruby.

Den Autoren ist hier ein großer Wurf gelungen. Wer sich für Rails interessiert, ist das Buch ein Muss. Und wer sich bisher nicht mit Rails beschäftigt hat, sollte es sich auch kaufen. Er wird danach die Webprogrammierung mit anderen Augen sehen." -- Markus Jais, Entwickler Magazin, Ausgabe 06/2005

"Ohne Übertreibung kann sich Dave Thomas auf die Fahne schreiben, maßgeblich zur Verbreitung von Ruby und auch von Rails beigetragen zu haben. Sein Agile Web Development with Rails gehörte zu den ersten Rails-Büchern überhaupt. Schon der Umfang weist dieses voluminöse Werk als Platzhirsch aus - hier geht es gründlich zur Sache." -- c't, Heft 13/2007, Juni 2007