"The third of Donnelly's "Proper" regencies is simply superb..." John Charles, Booklist, American Library Association "...a wonderful, uplifting story." -- Jani Brooks, Romance Reviews Today"Readers will be cheering for these two eccentric sweethearts to win the day and reap the rewards of their love." -- Teresa Roebuck, Romantic TimesAnother scandal is brewing for the Wild Winslow Boys...A duel...a dead man...but Terrance Winslow didn't shoot anyone in the back. Before he can find out what happened, a fall from his horse leaves Terrance laid up. And his only help to clear his name is his childhood friend, Sylvain Harwood.A girl who can tame any wild creature....Sylvain keeps a secret--she fell in love with Terrance ages ago. Will good sense be enough to keep her from falling even deeper in love with a man who needs love more than he can admit? Or will their barely proper behavior sparks not just danger and adventure, but an unexpected love.
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