Chapter 1 The Magic and Sorcery of the Chaldeans.
Chapter 2 The Chaldean Demonology.
Chapter 3 Chaldean Amulets and their Uses.
Chapter 4 Chaldean Sorcery and its Dual Nature.
Chapter 5 Comparison of the Egyþtian with the Chaldean magic.
Chapter 6 Contrasts between Egyþtian and Chaldean Magical Systems.
Chapter 7 The Magic of the Ritual of the Dead.
Chapter 8 Contrasts between the Accadian and Egyptian Magic.
Chapter 9 The Chaldo Babylonian religion and its doctrines.
Chapter 10 Development of the Chaldean Mythology.
Chapter 11 The religions System of the Accadian magic Books.
Chapter 12 The Origin of the Myth of the Zi.
Chapter 13 The Mythology of the Underworld.
Chapter 14 The Religions and the Magic of the Turanian Nations.
Chapter 15 The Early Median Mythology compared with that of the Chaldeans.
Chapter 16 Finno-Tartarian Magical Mythology.
Chapter 17 Further Analysis of Finnish Demonology.
Chapter 18 The Accadian People and their Language.
Chapter 19 The Accadian Language.
Chapter 20 Differentiation of the Accadian and its allied Languages.
Chapter 21 Altaic affinities of the Accadian Language.
Chapter 22 Accadian and Altaic affinities.
Chapter 23 Phonology of the Accadian Language.
Chapter 24 The origin of the Kushito-Semitic religion.
Chapter 25 The two Ethnic elements in the Babylonian nation.
Chapter 26 The Origin of the Chaldaio-Babylonian Cosmogonies.
Chapter 27 The Priortty of the Accadian Population of Chaldea.
Chapter 28 The Sumirian Influence in Chaldean and Babylonian Civilization.
Chapter 29 The Influence of the Kushite Mythology in Chaldean Faith.
Chapter 30 The Turanians in Chaldea and ancient Asia.
Chapter 31 The Archaic Legislation of the Accadians.