Whether you will be approved for the credit card you want. It can also determine whether you get a car loan for the auto you're shopping for at an affordable rate and many times it can even cost you a job offer! With this book you will discover... ¿ What's credit score and how it can be measured ¿ The basics of FICO and VantageScore ¿ How does credit score work for businesses? ¿ What are the benefits of a good rating ¿ What factors are affecting your credit score ¿ How to check your records for free ¿ How to build a good credit score - even from zero! ¿ Techniques to maximize your rating ¿ Mistakes that will break your credit score in no time! ¿ How to work with consuelors and advisors We know you can learn and adopt these methods in your daily life, and along with our guidance in this book, and your efforts, anything is possible!
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Hinweis: Dieser Artikel kann nur an eine deutsche Lieferadresse ausgeliefert werden.