Utilizing a central-porous medium for a liquid fuel
film combustor is an effective method to increase
the contact surface area and conduction heat
transfer for liquid fuel vaporization and flame
stabilization. Based on this concept, a meso-scale
liquid fuel film combustor with a central porous
inlet was theoretically analyzed and confirmed its
feasibility. The effects of porous material type and
bead size on the flame structures and combustion
characteristics are examined. Porous media made of
stainless steel and bronze are tested in the meso-
scale combustor with different fuel and air flow
rates, equivalence ratios, and bead sizes. The flame
structure and its corresponding stabilization
mechanism are different between the stainless steel
and the bronze porous media combustor.
Eventually, applying the present central-porous fuel-
film combustor in TPV system was demonstrated. An
infrared thermal tube replaces the chamber wall of
fuel-film combustor and doubles as an emitter.
Integrating commercial PV cells with the infrared
thermal combustor was tested and examined by the I-V
film combustor is an effective method to increase
the contact surface area and conduction heat
transfer for liquid fuel vaporization and flame
stabilization. Based on this concept, a meso-scale
liquid fuel film combustor with a central porous
inlet was theoretically analyzed and confirmed its
feasibility. The effects of porous material type and
bead size on the flame structures and combustion
characteristics are examined. Porous media made of
stainless steel and bronze are tested in the meso-
scale combustor with different fuel and air flow
rates, equivalence ratios, and bead sizes. The flame
structure and its corresponding stabilization
mechanism are different between the stainless steel
and the bronze porous media combustor.
Eventually, applying the present central-porous fuel-
film combustor in TPV system was demonstrated. An
infrared thermal tube replaces the chamber wall of
fuel-film combustor and doubles as an emitter.
Integrating commercial PV cells with the infrared
thermal combustor was tested and examined by the I-V