Analog zum 'Doing Gender' resultieren aus einem 'Doing Memory' vermeintlich zutreffende Zuschreibungen. Der Band zeigt, wie Geschichte unter unterschiedlichen medialen wie generationalen Bedingungen narrativ verarbeitet wird. Als ludische Strategie wird hierbei in Comic und Literatur der Umgang mit einer jeweils nationalen Geschichtspolitik ausgemacht. Durch die Aneignung von fremdem literarischen wie archivarischen Material erweist sich Geschichte in weiteren Beispielen als familiär geprägt. Performative Aktualisierungen werden exemplarischen Reenactments, vergangenheitsgegenwärtigen Filmen und Erinnerungsstrategien attestiert. Ergänzt werden die Analysen durch Autor:innen-Gespräche über ge- und erfundene Biografien in Literatur und Comic. Abschließend präsentiert der Band didaktische Zugänge als Comic-Workshop und Interview mit einem Autor.
Similar to the 'Doing Gender', a 'Doing Memory' results in seemingly accurate attributions. The volume shows how historyis narratively elaborated under different media and generational conditions. In comics and literature, the handling of a respective national politics of history is identified as a ludic strategy. Through the adoption of foreign literary and archival material, history is shown to be shaped by family in further examples. Performative actualisations are confirmed in exemplary re-enactments, past-present films and strategies of remembrance. The analyses are complemented by interviews with authors about found and invented biographies from the perspective of perpetrators and victims in literature and comics. Finally, the volume presents didactic approaches as a comic workshop and an interview with an author.
Similar to the 'Doing Gender', a 'Doing Memory' results in seemingly accurate attributions. The volume shows how historyis narratively elaborated under different media and generational conditions. In comics and literature, the handling of a respective national politics of history is identified as a ludic strategy. Through the adoption of foreign literary and archival material, history is shown to be shaped by family in further examples. Performative actualisations are confirmed in exemplary re-enactments, past-present films and strategies of remembrance. The analyses are complemented by interviews with authors about found and invented biographies from the perspective of perpetrators and victims in literature and comics. Finally, the volume presents didactic approaches as a comic workshop and an interview with an author.