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  • Gebundenes Buch

A, B, C, D, E ... In this new, experimental volume of the work of artist Doug Aitken, the alphabet serves as an underlying organizational structure, a map which readers can turn to as a guide for moving through the book's images and texts. Combining a selection of new and older artwork alongside diverse texts, this book juxtaposes seemingly unrelated elements, creating shifting relationships and patterns that emerge only wiht time. On te visual side, A-Z (Fractals) offers a selection of past work, new photography, images from recent video pieces - such as Interiors, New Ocean and New Skin, -…mehr

A, B, C, D, E ... In this new, experimental volume of the work of artist Doug Aitken, the alphabet serves as an underlying organizational structure, a map which readers can turn to as a guide for moving through the book's images and texts. Combining a selection of new and older artwork alongside diverse texts, this book juxtaposes seemingly unrelated elements, creating shifting relationships and patterns that emerge only wiht time. On te visual side, A-Z (Fractals) offers a selection of past work, new photography, images from recent video pieces - such as Interiors, New Ocean and New Skin, - and a new series of collages. On the verbal side are an essay by noted architcture and design scholar Michael Speaks, excerpts from a conversation between Aitken and curator Russel Ferguson, a short story by artist Philippe Parreno, a series of short entries written by Aitken, and excerpts from a conversation between Aitken and Dan Kish, a blind man working at the Braille Institute on Los Angeles on echo location. Published in conjunction with The Fabric Workshop and Kunsthalle Zurich.

Exhibition Schedule: The Fabric Workshop and Museum, Philadelphia September 20, 2002 - January 11, 2003 · Kunsthalle Zürich June 15 - August 10, 2003
"Ein bemerkenswerter Katalog, konsequent als Künstlerbuch konzipiert und voller erstaunlicher Assoziationen und Querverbindungen." kunstundbuecher

"Ein visuelles Geflecht mit Sogwirkung." fotoMAGAZIN

Perlentaucher-Notiz zur FR-Rezension

Das "M" wie "My Moving Memory" in Doug Aitkens "A-Z Book" hat Daniel Kothenschulte zu einer Meditation über das "mobil gewordene Tonband" der Kassette hingerissen, die eine Aufzeichnung, von einem Einzelnen verfertigt, in eine Umwelt von Geräuschen hineinträgt. Könne sich denn noch jemand eine Autobahn ohne Musik vorstellen? Aitkens künstlerischer Drang ziele darauf, "der Welt anhand ihrer Vibrationen auf den Grund zu gehen und darin nach einem Nervensystem zu suchen", audiovisuelle Entsprechungsformen einer "rhythmisch durchdrungenen Welt" zu erfinden. Nicht die einzelnen Bilder oder Sounds aber seien es, die Wahrheit oder Schönheit enthielten, sondern der Fluss des Vorgefundenen, der synästhetische Impuls, mit dem die musikalische Konserve das Geräusch der Umwelt anstößt und umgekehrt.

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