Jimmy Fike Edible Plants A Photographic Survey of the Wild Edible Botanicals of North America
Jimmy Fike Edible Plants A Photographic Survey of the Wild Edible Botanicals of North America Jetzt bewerten Jetzt bewerten
Sumptuously illustrated and delightfully informative, Edible Plants is the perfect gift for anyone curious about unlocking the secrets of native North American plants.
Acknowledgments Foreword Preface Agoseris Amaranth American Lotus American Speedwell Angelica Arrowleaf Balsamroot Asparagus Autumn Olive Ballhead Waterleaf Bedstraw Bracken Fern Broadleaf Plantain Bugleweed Burdock California Poppy Canadian Violet Cattail Chestnut Oak Chia Chickweed Chiming Bells Chokeberry Clover Cow Parsnip Curly Dock Dandelion Desert Hollygrape Desert Parsley Desert Trumpet Eastern Hemlock Eastern White Pine Echinacea Elderberry False Solomon's Seal Field Mint Field Pennycress Filaree Gill-of-the-Ground Gingko Ginseng Glacier Lily Gooseberry Greenbrier Ground Cherry Heal All Hedge Mustard Henbit Hibiscus Hoary Mountain Mint Hooker's Evening Primrose Horehound Indian Cucumber Ithuriel's Spear Jojoba Juniper Kentucky Coffee Tree Lemonade Berry Lemon Balm Licorice London Rocket Man of the Earth Manzanita Marsh Mallow Marsh Marigold Mayapple Mesquite Miner's Lettuce Mock Strawberry Monkey Flower Nettleleaf Goosefoot Oxeye Daisy Pale Touch-Me-Not Palo Verde Pawpaw Pickerelweed Pineapple Weed Prickly Lettuce Purslane Raspberry Salmon Berry Sassafras Sea Beans Sego Lily Sheep Sorrel Shisho Shooting Star Silverweed Skunk Cabbage Soap Plant Solomon's Seal Spicebush Springbeauty Stone Crop Sumac Sunflower Swamp Hedgenettle Walnut Wapato Watercress Water Lily Wild Ginger Wild Oats Wild Oregano Wild Radish Wild Rhubarb Wild Rose Wintergreen Wolfberry Wood Nettle Yampa Yellowbells Yellow Wood Sorrel Yerba Santa