This collection studies eighteenth-century British literature as enmeshed within a dynamic intercultural traffic, participating in the import and export of literary and cultural forms. Eighteenth-Century Transplantations places this transcultural circulation at the centre of attention and presents its products in a unique configuration. Literary transplants into the British context, out of it, and their transmedial afterlives are set together in order to showcase the mechanisms of such cultural commerce. The term 'transplantation', borrowed from medical and horticultural discourses and…mehr
This collection studies eighteenth-century British literature as enmeshed within a dynamic intercultural traffic, participating in the import and export of literary and cultural forms. Eighteenth-Century Transplantations places this transcultural circulation at the centre of attention and presents its products in a unique configuration. Literary transplants into the British context, out of it, and their transmedial afterlives are set together in order to showcase the mechanisms of such cultural commerce. The term 'transplantation', borrowed from medical and horticultural discourses and evocative of eighteenth-century experiments in gardening, is offered here as a useful kinetic model to conceptualize the diverse practices involved in relocating a literary text into a new cultural environment.
Routledge Studies in Eighteenth-Century Literature
Anna Paluchowska-Messing teaches English Literature at the Institute of English Studies at Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland. Her research interests include eighteenth-century fiction and culture as well as adaptation studies. She is the author of Frances Burney and Her Readers: The Negotiated Image (2020) and co-editor (with Monika Coghen) of Romantic Dialogues and Afterlives (2020). She has also published a number of articles on eighteenth-century English literature. Jakub Lipski is university professor in the Department of Anglophone Literatures at Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland. His research areas include eighteenth-century fiction and culture, word and image crossovers, and reception and adaptation studies. He is the author of Castaway Bodies in the Eighteenth-Century English Robinsonade (2024), Re-Reading the Eighteenth-Century Novel: Studies in Reception (2021), Painting the Novel: Pictorial Discourse in Eighteenth-Century English Fiction (2018) and In Quest of the Self: Masquerade and Travel in the Eighteenth-Century Novel (2014). He has recently co-edited (with M-C. Newbould) The Edinburgh Companion to the Eighteenth-Century British Novel and the Arts. Joanna Maciulewicz is university professor at the Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznä, Poland. She is the author of Representations of Book Culture in Eighteenth-Century English Imaginative Writing (2018) and co-editor (with Jakub Lipski) of Neo-Georgian Fiction Reimagining the Eighteenth Century in the Contemporary Historical Novel (2021). Her research interests include eighteenth-century literature and culture, the history of the book, transnational history of early modern fiction, theories of the rise of the novel and Anglo-Spanish literary relations.
List of Contributors
Title: Eighteenth-Century Transplantations: Concepts and Contexts
Authors: Anna Paluchowska-Messing, Jakub Lipski and Joanna Maciulewicz
Part I: Eighteenth-Century British Literature Transplanted
Chapter 1
Title: Localizing the Eighteenth-Century English Novel in Stanislavian Poland: The Case of Henry Fielding
Author: Jakub Lipski
Chapter 2
Title: The Reception History of Frances Burney's Evelina in Hungary
Author: Gabriella Hartvig
Part II: Transplantations into Eighteenth-Century British Literature
Chapter 3
Title: How The Picaresque Became the Novel (Or, The Secret History of Moll Flanders)
Author: Riccardo Capoferro
Chapter 4
Title: Transplanting Arabic History into English Drama: The Transtextuality of John Hughes's The Siege of Damascus (1720)
Authors: Joanna Maciulewicz, Filip Jakubowski and Rowland Cotterill
Part III: Eighteenth-Century British Literature and Transmedial Transplantations
Chapter 5
Title: Reynolds Redivivus: Continental Aesthetics, the Royal Academy and Benjamin Robert Haydon
Author: Hiroki Iwamoto
Chapter 6
Title: Pamela Visits the Warsaw Opera: The Adaptation of La buona figliuola by Wojciech Boguslawski
Author: Anna Parkitna
Chapter 7
Title: Gulliver Travels to Krakow: On Cultural Cannibalism and Transplanting Texts across Time and Space