Main description:
Applied ethics, a subdiscipline of philosophy, lends itself to an encyclopedia format because of the many industries and intellectual fields that it encompasses. The Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics is based on twelve major categories, such as Biomedical Ethics and Environmental Ethics. Religious traditions that embody normative beliefs, as well as classical theories of ethics, are explored in a non-judgmental manner. Each of the twelve categories is divided into discrete areas that are covered by 5,000-6,000 word articles. Each of the 281 articles begins with a definition of the subject and includes a table of contents, glossary of key terms, and bibliography. Second- and third- level headings, boxes, sidebars, and the like emphasize the reference-oriented nature of the material. The four volumes are arranged in an A-Z format, with a complete subject index at the end of the last volume. Articles are written by international experts, arranged alphabetically by title, not by subject, and cross-referenced so the reader can locate relevant information in other articles.
- One of Library Journal's Best Reference Sources for 1997!
- One of the CHOICE Outstanding Academic Books for 1998!
- Cross-references appear in each article to refer readers to related information
- A glossary and bibliography in each article provide readers with tools for learning and creative thinking
Review quote:
"...both of these landmark encyclopedias (The Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics and the Encyclopedia of Bioethics, published by Macmillan Publishing Company, Inc.) merit a place in academic and large public libraries serving an educated population."
"An outstanding addition to the ranks of specialized encyclopedias, this set covers topics of current interest to both students writing papers and general readers struggling with day-to-day moral decisions... The format is excellent; each article begins with an outline followed by a glossary with definitions of important terms and concludes with a brief bibliography. Because of its quality and relevance, this set should be purchased by all academic and many public libraries."
"The Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics is an impressive effort which will find wide readership among students and professionals alike."
"It is clearly a wide ranging work and the level of detail it encompasses may be assessed by reference to the titles of the first half dozen articles... As a contributor to this effort, I can attest to the care which has been expended at all stages of the production process. The articles have been reviewed by other experts and have benefited from such an examination. This is a basic work in applied ethics and those working in the field would benefit from having it at their finger tips, or failing that, at a conveniently located library."
"This is a fine piece of work; clear, accurate, suggestive of likely future developments. A very high quality piece. He did a fine job."
-PROFESSOR TERRY BYNUM, Research Center on Computing and Society, Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven
"Very clear and comprehensive."
-DR. GEOFFREY F. SCARRE, Department of Philosophy, University of Durham, U.K.
"It is highly readable...does the job very well...there seems to be little useful published material in this area."
-PROFESSOR ROBERT SHARPE, Department of Philosophy, University of Wales at Lampeter, Dyfed, U.K.
Praise for the Article "Discrimination, Concept of"
"An excellent, well-written and mind-opening article. I thought this a fine piece of work, lucid, informative, sharp."
-DR. ANTHONY SKILLEN, Darwin College, University at Canterbury, Kent, U.K.
Praise for the Article, "Pluralism in Education"
"I have read this article with interest and with profit. The author is an able and extensively published author on the subject. He has produced an effective piece for you."
-PROFESSOR JOHN J. HALDANE, Department of Moral Philosophy, University of St. Andrews, Fife, U.K.
Praise for the Article, "Crime and Society"
"This is an excellent article, superbly written and organized."
-PROFESSOR JAN NARVESON, Department of Philosophy, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Praise for the Article, "Speciesism"
"A fine piece of work! The combination of biological sophistication and philosophical analysis is highly appropriate."
-PROFESSOR EVELYN PLUHAR, Penn State, Fayette Campus, Uniontown, Pennsylvania
Praise for the Article, "Animal Research"
"I enjoyed reading the animal research article. This is a reasonable and balanced account that is also quite readable."
-PROFESSOR BERNARD E. ROLLIN, College of Veterinary Medicine and College of Liberal Arts, Department of Philosophy, Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Praise for the Article, "Slippery Slope Arguments"
"Very nice, professional, sophisticated effort."
-PROFESSOR FREDERICK SCHAUER, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Praise for the Article, "Literature and Ethics"
"David Novitz's splendid article on literature and ethics is the clearest exposition of the subject I've ever seen in print. It is this sort of contribution that is going to make the Encyclopedia invaluable for many years to come.... The article on literature and ethics is a model of clarity and scholarship.... With articles of the quality of David Novitzs entry on literature and ethics, the Encyclopedia will be an invaluable aid for students and scholars for years to come."
-DR. DENIS DUTTON, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
Praise for the Article, "Mental Illness, Concept of"
"This paper is clear, exhaustive, and goes in depth into the issue."
-DR. EMILIO MORDINI, Psychoanalytic Institute for Social Research, Rome, Italy
Table of contents:
ARTICLES FEATURED in the ENCYCLOPEDIA: Abortion. Accounting and Business Ethics. Acts and Omissions. Adoption. Advance Directives. Advertising. Affirmative Action. Aged Persons, Societal Attitudes Toward. Ageism. Agricultural Ethics. AIDS. AIDS in the Developing World. AIDS Treatment and Bioethics in South Africa. Alternative Medicine. Altruism and Economics. Animal Research. Animal Rights. Anthropocentrism. Applied Ethics, Challenges To. Applied Ethics, Overview. Archaeological Ethics. Aristotelian Ethics. Arts, The. Auditing Practices. Authority in Education. Autonomy. Biocentrism. Biodiversity. Bioethics, Overview. Biotechnology. Birth-Control Ethics. Birth-Control Technology. Brain Death. Broadcast Journalism. Buddhism. Business and Economic Ethics, Overview. Capital Punishment. Casuistry. Censorship. Child Abuse. Children's Rights. Christian Ethics, Protestant. Christian Ethics, Roman Catholic. Citizenship. Civil Disobedience. Civilian Populations in War, Targeting Of. Codes of Ethics. Coercive Treatment in Psychiatry. Collective Guilt. Communitarianism. Computer and Information Ethics. Computer Security. Confidentiality, General Issues Of. Confidentiality of Sources. Conflict of Interest. Confucianism. Consequentialism and Deontology. Conservation (Stewardship). Consumer Rights. Contractarian Ethics. Corporal Punishment. Corporate Responsibility. Corporations, Ethics In. Courtroom Proceedings, Reporting Of. Crime and Society. Custody of Children. Darwinism. Death, Definition Of. Death, Medical Aspects Of. Death, Societal Attitudes Toward. Deep Ecology. Development Ethics. Development Issues. Disability Rights. Discourse Ethics. Discrimination, Concept Of. Distributive Justice, Theories Of. Divorce. Do-Not-Resuscitate Decisions. Drugs: Moral and Legal Issues. Ecological Balance. Egoism and Altruism. Election Strategies. Electronic Surveillance. Embryology, Ethics Of. Environmental Compliance By Industry. Environmental Economics. Environmental Ethics, Overview. Environmental Impact Assessment. Environmental Justice. Epicurianism. Equality and Egalitarianism. Ethics and Social Services, Overview. Ethics Education in Schools. Ethnocultural Minority Groups, Status and Treatment Of. Eugenics. Euthanasia. Evolutionary Perspectives in Ethics. Executive Compensation. Existentialism. Exploitation. Family, The. Female Circumcision and Genital Mutilation. Feminist Ethics. Feminist Jurisprudence. Fetal Research. Fetus. Freedom of Speech. Freedom of the Press in the U.S. Freudianism. Friendship. Gaia Hypothesis. Gambling. Game Theory. Gender Roles. Gene Therapy. Genetic Counselling. Genetic Engineering. Genetic Research. Genetics and Behaviour. Genetic Screening. Genetic Technology, Legal Regulation Of. Genome Analysis. Government Funding of Research. Greek Ethics, Overview. Gun Control. Hazardous and Toxic Substances. Health and Disease, Concept Of. Health Care Financing. Hedonism. Higher Education, Ethics Of. Hinduism. Homelessness. Homicide, Criminal Vs. Justifiable. Homosexuality, Societal Attitudes Toward. Honor Codes. Human Nature, Views Of. Human Research Subjects, Selection Of. Humanism. Imperialism. Improper Payments and Gifts. Indigenous Rights. Infertility. Information Management. Informed Consent. Insanity, Legal Concept Of. Intelligence Testing. Internet Protocol. Investment, Ethics Of. Islam. Judaism. Jury Conduct. Juvenile Crime. Kantianism. Land-Use Issues. Leadership, Ethics Of. Legal Ethics, Overview. Liberalism. Life, Concept Of. Literature and Ethics. Machiavellianism. Marxism. Media Depiction of Ethnic Minorities. Media Ownership. Medical Codes and Oaths. Medical Ethics, History Of. Medical Ethics, Use of Historical Evidence In. Medical Futility. Mental Health. Mental Illness, Concept Of. Mercy and Forgiveness. Mergers and Acquisitions. Military Codes of Behaviour. Moral Development. Moral Relativism. National Security Issues. Native American Cultures. Nature Vs. Nurture. Nuclear Deterrence. Nuclear Power. Nuclear Testing. Nuclear Warfare. Nurses' Ethics. Objectivity in Reporting. Organ Transplants and Donors. Pacifism. Painism. Palliative Care. Patents. Paternalism. Patients' Rights. Perfectionism. Personal Relationships. Placebo Treatment. Plagiarism and Forgery. Platonism. Playing God. Pluralism in Education. Police Accountability. Police and Race Relations. Political Correctness. Political Ecology. Political Obligation. Population Ethics. Pornography. Poststructuralism. Poverty. Precautionary Principle. Preventive Medicine. Privacy. Privacy Vs. Public Right to Know. Professional Ethics. Property Rights. Prostitution. Psychiatric Ethics. Psychopharmacology and Drug Market. Psychosurgery and Physical Brain Manipulation. Public Defenders. Public Relations Industry. Publish-Or-Perish Syndrome. Quality of Life Indicators. Racism. Rape. Religion and Ethics. Religion in Schools. Reproductive Technologies. Research Ethics. Research Ethics Committees. Research Methods and Policies. Resource Allocation. Rights Theory. Safety Laws (Seat Belts, Public Smoking, Etc.). Science and Engineering Ethics, Overview. Scientific Publishing. Self-Deception. Sex Equality. Sexism. Sexual Content in Films and Television. Sexual Harassment. Sexual Orientation. Sikhism. Slavery. Slippery Slope Arguments. Social Ethics, Overview. Social Security. Social Welfare and Finance of Social Services. Social Work. Speciesism. Sports, Ethics Of. Stoicism. Strikes. Suggestion, Ethics Of. Suicide. Sustainability. Tabloid Journalism. Taoism. Terrorism. Theories of Ethics, Overview. Theories of Justice: Human Needs. Theories of Justice: Rawls. Thomism. Tourism. Trade Secrets and Proprietary Information. Transsexualism. Trust. Truth-Telling as Constitutive of Journalism. Undercover Investigations, Ethics Of. Utilitarianism. Vegetarianism. Veterinary Ethics. Victimless Crimes. Violence in Films and Television. Virtue Ethics. Warfare, Codes Of. Warfare, Tactics and Strategies. Welfare Policies. Whistle-Blowing. Wildlife Conservation. Women's Rights. Workplace Ethics. World Ethics. Zoos and Zoological Parks.
Applied ethics, a subdiscipline of philosophy, lends itself to an encyclopedia format because of the many industries and intellectual fields that it encompasses. The Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics is based on twelve major categories, such as Biomedical Ethics and Environmental Ethics. Religious traditions that embody normative beliefs, as well as classical theories of ethics, are explored in a non-judgmental manner. Each of the twelve categories is divided into discrete areas that are covered by 5,000-6,000 word articles. Each of the 281 articles begins with a definition of the subject and includes a table of contents, glossary of key terms, and bibliography. Second- and third- level headings, boxes, sidebars, and the like emphasize the reference-oriented nature of the material. The four volumes are arranged in an A-Z format, with a complete subject index at the end of the last volume. Articles are written by international experts, arranged alphabetically by title, not by subject, and cross-referenced so the reader can locate relevant information in other articles.
- One of Library Journal's Best Reference Sources for 1997!
- One of the CHOICE Outstanding Academic Books for 1998!
- Cross-references appear in each article to refer readers to related information
- A glossary and bibliography in each article provide readers with tools for learning and creative thinking
Review quote:
"...both of these landmark encyclopedias (The Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics and the Encyclopedia of Bioethics, published by Macmillan Publishing Company, Inc.) merit a place in academic and large public libraries serving an educated population."
"An outstanding addition to the ranks of specialized encyclopedias, this set covers topics of current interest to both students writing papers and general readers struggling with day-to-day moral decisions... The format is excellent; each article begins with an outline followed by a glossary with definitions of important terms and concludes with a brief bibliography. Because of its quality and relevance, this set should be purchased by all academic and many public libraries."
"The Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics is an impressive effort which will find wide readership among students and professionals alike."
"It is clearly a wide ranging work and the level of detail it encompasses may be assessed by reference to the titles of the first half dozen articles... As a contributor to this effort, I can attest to the care which has been expended at all stages of the production process. The articles have been reviewed by other experts and have benefited from such an examination. This is a basic work in applied ethics and those working in the field would benefit from having it at their finger tips, or failing that, at a conveniently located library."
"This is a fine piece of work; clear, accurate, suggestive of likely future developments. A very high quality piece. He did a fine job."
-PROFESSOR TERRY BYNUM, Research Center on Computing and Society, Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven
"Very clear and comprehensive."
-DR. GEOFFREY F. SCARRE, Department of Philosophy, University of Durham, U.K.
"It is highly readable...does the job very well...there seems to be little useful published material in this area."
-PROFESSOR ROBERT SHARPE, Department of Philosophy, University of Wales at Lampeter, Dyfed, U.K.
Praise for the Article "Discrimination, Concept of"
"An excellent, well-written and mind-opening article. I thought this a fine piece of work, lucid, informative, sharp."
-DR. ANTHONY SKILLEN, Darwin College, University at Canterbury, Kent, U.K.
Praise for the Article, "Pluralism in Education"
"I have read this article with interest and with profit. The author is an able and extensively published author on the subject. He has produced an effective piece for you."
-PROFESSOR JOHN J. HALDANE, Department of Moral Philosophy, University of St. Andrews, Fife, U.K.
Praise for the Article, "Crime and Society"
"This is an excellent article, superbly written and organized."
-PROFESSOR JAN NARVESON, Department of Philosophy, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Praise for the Article, "Speciesism"
"A fine piece of work! The combination of biological sophistication and philosophical analysis is highly appropriate."
-PROFESSOR EVELYN PLUHAR, Penn State, Fayette Campus, Uniontown, Pennsylvania
Praise for the Article, "Animal Research"
"I enjoyed reading the animal research article. This is a reasonable and balanced account that is also quite readable."
-PROFESSOR BERNARD E. ROLLIN, College of Veterinary Medicine and College of Liberal Arts, Department of Philosophy, Colorado State University, Fort Collins
Praise for the Article, "Slippery Slope Arguments"
"Very nice, professional, sophisticated effort."
-PROFESSOR FREDERICK SCHAUER, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Praise for the Article, "Literature and Ethics"
"David Novitz's splendid article on literature and ethics is the clearest exposition of the subject I've ever seen in print. It is this sort of contribution that is going to make the Encyclopedia invaluable for many years to come.... The article on literature and ethics is a model of clarity and scholarship.... With articles of the quality of David Novitzs entry on literature and ethics, the Encyclopedia will be an invaluable aid for students and scholars for years to come."
-DR. DENIS DUTTON, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
Praise for the Article, "Mental Illness, Concept of"
"This paper is clear, exhaustive, and goes in depth into the issue."
-DR. EMILIO MORDINI, Psychoanalytic Institute for Social Research, Rome, Italy
Table of contents:
ARTICLES FEATURED in the ENCYCLOPEDIA: Abortion. Accounting and Business Ethics. Acts and Omissions. Adoption. Advance Directives. Advertising. Affirmative Action. Aged Persons, Societal Attitudes Toward. Ageism. Agricultural Ethics. AIDS. AIDS in the Developing World. AIDS Treatment and Bioethics in South Africa. Alternative Medicine. Altruism and Economics. Animal Research. Animal Rights. Anthropocentrism. Applied Ethics, Challenges To. Applied Ethics, Overview. Archaeological Ethics. Aristotelian Ethics. Arts, The. Auditing Practices. Authority in Education. Autonomy. Biocentrism. Biodiversity. Bioethics, Overview. Biotechnology. Birth-Control Ethics. Birth-Control Technology. Brain Death. Broadcast Journalism. Buddhism. Business and Economic Ethics, Overview. Capital Punishment. Casuistry. Censorship. Child Abuse. Children's Rights. Christian Ethics, Protestant. Christian Ethics, Roman Catholic. Citizenship. Civil Disobedience. Civilian Populations in War, Targeting Of. Codes of Ethics. Coercive Treatment in Psychiatry. Collective Guilt. Communitarianism. Computer and Information Ethics. Computer Security. Confidentiality, General Issues Of. Confidentiality of Sources. Conflict of Interest. Confucianism. Consequentialism and Deontology. Conservation (Stewardship). Consumer Rights. Contractarian Ethics. Corporal Punishment. Corporate Responsibility. Corporations, Ethics In. Courtroom Proceedings, Reporting Of. Crime and Society. Custody of Children. Darwinism. Death, Definition Of. Death, Medical Aspects Of. Death, Societal Attitudes Toward. Deep Ecology. Development Ethics. Development Issues. Disability Rights. Discourse Ethics. Discrimination, Concept Of. Distributive Justice, Theories Of. Divorce. Do-Not-Resuscitate Decisions. Drugs: Moral and Legal Issues. Ecological Balance. Egoism and Altruism. Election Strategies. Electronic Surveillance. Embryology, Ethics Of. Environmental Compliance By Industry. Environmental Economics. Environmental Ethics, Overview. Environmental Impact Assessment. Environmental Justice. Epicurianism. Equality and Egalitarianism. Ethics and Social Services, Overview. Ethics Education in Schools. Ethnocultural Minority Groups, Status and Treatment Of. Eugenics. Euthanasia. Evolutionary Perspectives in Ethics. Executive Compensation. Existentialism. Exploitation. Family, The. Female Circumcision and Genital Mutilation. Feminist Ethics. Feminist Jurisprudence. Fetal Research. Fetus. Freedom of Speech. Freedom of the Press in the U.S. Freudianism. Friendship. Gaia Hypothesis. Gambling. Game Theory. Gender Roles. Gene Therapy. Genetic Counselling. Genetic Engineering. Genetic Research. Genetics and Behaviour. Genetic Screening. Genetic Technology, Legal Regulation Of. Genome Analysis. Government Funding of Research. Greek Ethics, Overview. Gun Control. Hazardous and Toxic Substances. Health and Disease, Concept Of. Health Care Financing. Hedonism. Higher Education, Ethics Of. Hinduism. Homelessness. Homicide, Criminal Vs. Justifiable. Homosexuality, Societal Attitudes Toward. Honor Codes. Human Nature, Views Of. Human Research Subjects, Selection Of. Humanism. Imperialism. Improper Payments and Gifts. Indigenous Rights. Infertility. Information Management. Informed Consent. Insanity, Legal Concept Of. Intelligence Testing. Internet Protocol. Investment, Ethics Of. Islam. Judaism. Jury Conduct. Juvenile Crime. Kantianism. Land-Use Issues. Leadership, Ethics Of. Legal Ethics, Overview. Liberalism. Life, Concept Of. Literature and Ethics. Machiavellianism. Marxism. Media Depiction of Ethnic Minorities. Media Ownership. Medical Codes and Oaths. Medical Ethics, History Of. Medical Ethics, Use of Historical Evidence In. Medical Futility. Mental Health. Mental Illness, Concept Of. Mercy and Forgiveness. Mergers and Acquisitions. Military Codes of Behaviour. Moral Development. Moral Relativism. National Security Issues. Native American Cultures. Nature Vs. Nurture. Nuclear Deterrence. Nuclear Power. Nuclear Testing. Nuclear Warfare. Nurses' Ethics. Objectivity in Reporting. Organ Transplants and Donors. Pacifism. Painism. Palliative Care. Patents. Paternalism. Patients' Rights. Perfectionism. Personal Relationships. Placebo Treatment. Plagiarism and Forgery. Platonism. Playing God. Pluralism in Education. Police Accountability. Police and Race Relations. Political Correctness. Political Ecology. Political Obligation. Population Ethics. Pornography. Poststructuralism. Poverty. Precautionary Principle. Preventive Medicine. Privacy. Privacy Vs. Public Right to Know. Professional Ethics. Property Rights. Prostitution. Psychiatric Ethics. Psychopharmacology and Drug Market. Psychosurgery and Physical Brain Manipulation. Public Defenders. Public Relations Industry. Publish-Or-Perish Syndrome. Quality of Life Indicators. Racism. Rape. Religion and Ethics. Religion in Schools. Reproductive Technologies. Research Ethics. Research Ethics Committees. Research Methods and Policies. Resource Allocation. Rights Theory. Safety Laws (Seat Belts, Public Smoking, Etc.). Science and Engineering Ethics, Overview. Scientific Publishing. Self-Deception. Sex Equality. Sexism. Sexual Content in Films and Television. Sexual Harassment. Sexual Orientation. Sikhism. Slavery. Slippery Slope Arguments. Social Ethics, Overview. Social Security. Social Welfare and Finance of Social Services. Social Work. Speciesism. Sports, Ethics Of. Stoicism. Strikes. Suggestion, Ethics Of. Suicide. Sustainability. Tabloid Journalism. Taoism. Terrorism. Theories of Ethics, Overview. Theories of Justice: Human Needs. Theories of Justice: Rawls. Thomism. Tourism. Trade Secrets and Proprietary Information. Transsexualism. Trust. Truth-Telling as Constitutive of Journalism. Undercover Investigations, Ethics Of. Utilitarianism. Vegetarianism. Veterinary Ethics. Victimless Crimes. Violence in Films and Television. Virtue Ethics. Warfare, Codes Of. Warfare, Tactics and Strategies. Welfare Policies. Whistle-Blowing. Wildlife Conservation. Women's Rights. Workplace Ethics. World Ethics. Zoos and Zoological Parks.