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All areas of inorganic chemistry have seen a vigorous development since the publication of the first edition of Encyclopedia of Inorganic Chemistry. This thoroughly updated second edition boasts 30% growth in size, with 6,640 pages and two additional volumes, to provide the most timely and comprehensive coverage of inorganic chemistry to date.
The ultimate resource on inorganic chemistry - new andcompletely revised, 10 years after publication of the FirstEdition
The first edition of the Encyclopedia of InorganicChemistry treated the elements of the periodic system inalphabetical order,

All areas of inorganic chemistry have seen a vigorous development since the publication of the first edition of Encyclopedia of Inorganic Chemistry. This thoroughly updated second edition boasts 30% growth in size, with 6,640 pages and two additional volumes, to provide the most timely and comprehensive coverage of inorganic chemistry to date.
The ultimate resource on inorganic chemistry - new andcompletely revised, 10 years after publication of the FirstEdition

The first edition of the Encyclopedia of InorganicChemistry treated the elements of the periodic system inalphabetical order, with multiple entries for key elements. Thearticles from the First Edition were written more than 10 years agoand all areas of inorganic chemistry have seen such a vigorousdevelopment that it was necessary to update most articles and toadd a considerable number of new articles. The result of this majorwork is the proud Encylopedia of Inorganic Chemistry SecondEdition (EIC-2).

New - now includes colour
30% growth on previous edition - now 6,640 pages,published in 10 volumes
EIC-2 continues to present articles in alphabetical order, butthe content has been slightly reorganized to the following subjectareas: Main Group Elements; Transition Metals and CoordinationChemistry; Organometallic Chemistry; Bioinorganic Chemistry; SolidState, Materials, Nanomaterials and Catalysis; and GeneralInorganic Chemistry, Theoretical and Computational Methods.
R. Bruce King is Regents' Professor Emeritus of Chemistry and a Professorial Fellow in the Center for Computational Chemistry at the University of Georgia. In recent years, after a 40-year career in synthetic inorganic and organometallic chemistry and related areas of molecular catalysis, he has increasingly become involved in various computational inorganic chemistry projects in collaboration with colleagues at the University of Georgia as well as universities in Romania and China. Dr. King has published more than 675 journal articles and edited or authored more than 20 books including more than 100 journal articles since 2000. He has won American Chemical Society Awards in Pure Chemistry and Inorganic Chemistry. He has organized international conferences in the areas of inorganic chemistry, boron chemistry, mathematical chemistry, and the Periodic Table, all of which resulted in edited books. He was the American Regional Editor of the Journal of Organometallic Chemistry for 17 years and served as Editor-in-Chief for the first two editions.