With a supply of yarn that never runs out, Annabelle knits for everyone and everything in town until an evil archduke decides he wants the yarn for himself. Full color.
Extra Yarn, winner of a Caldecott Honor and the Boston Globe-Horn Book Award, as well as a New York Times bestseller, is the story of how a young girl and her box of magical yarn transform a community. This much-loved picture book is written by Mac Barnett and illustrated by Jon Klassen, who also won the Caldecott Medal for This Is Not My Hat.
Extra Yarn, winner of a Caldecott Honor and the Boston Globe-Horn Book Award, as well as a New York Times bestseller, is the story of how a young girl and her box of magical yarn transform a community. This much-loved picture book is written by Mac Barnett and illustrated by Jon Klassen, who also won the Caldecott Medal for This Is Not My Hat.