Gotthold Ephraim Lessing und sein Werk gehören seit der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts zum Kanon der deutschsprachigen Literatur. Eine herausragende Rolle bei der Inthronisierung des Autors im literarischen Kanon und damit im kulturellen Gedächtnis haben die höheren Lehranstalten gespielt. Auch aufgrund der problematischen Quellenlage wurde der Rezeption und Vermittlung von Literatur im schulischen Kontext bislang aber nur geringe Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt. Auf der Grundlage von bislang nur schwer zugänglichen schulspezifischen Textsorten wie Schulprogrammen befasst der Band sich nun erstmals in vergleichender Perspektive mit unterschiedlichen Aspekten der Behandlung von G. E. Lessing im Deutschunterricht der Höheren Lehranstalten.
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing and his work have been contributing to the canon of German-language literature since the latter half of the 19th Century. Higher education institutions have played a prominent role in the enthronement ofthe author within the literary canon and thus also within cultural memory. That said, due to the problematic accessibility and quality of the sources available, little attention has been paid to the reception and mediation of literature within the educational field up to now. On the basis of different types of school-specific documents such as school curricula - which have, up to now, been proven difficult to access -, this volume is the first ever to deal, from comparative perspectives, with different aspects concerning the way in which G. E. Lessing is presented in German lessons at higher education institutions.
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing and his work have been contributing to the canon of German-language literature since the latter half of the 19th Century. Higher education institutions have played a prominent role in the enthronement ofthe author within the literary canon and thus also within cultural memory. That said, due to the problematic accessibility and quality of the sources available, little attention has been paid to the reception and mediation of literature within the educational field up to now. On the basis of different types of school-specific documents such as school curricula - which have, up to now, been proven difficult to access -, this volume is the first ever to deal, from comparative perspectives, with different aspects concerning the way in which G. E. Lessing is presented in German lessons at higher education institutions.