This handbook provides quick access to common and specialized probability distributions for modeling practical problems and performing statistical calculations. This second edition enhances the PC calculator StatCalc with electronic help manuals and now contains R functions for cases where StatCalc is not applicable, with the codes available online. This edition also presents major changes in binomial, Poisson, normal, gamma, Weibull, exponential, logistic, Laplace, and Pareto distributions and updates statistical tests and intervals based on recent publications in statistical journals.
This handbook provides quick access to common and specialized probability distributions for modeling practical problems and performing statistical calculations. This second edition enhances the PC calculator StatCalc with electronic help manuals and now contains R functions for cases where StatCalc is not applicable, with the codes available online. This edition also presents major changes in binomial, Poisson, normal, gamma, Weibull, exponential, logistic, Laplace, and Pareto distributions and updates statistical tests and intervals based on recent publications in statistical journals.
Kalimuthu Krishnamoorthy, Ph.D., is a professor of statistics and SLEMCO Professor of Science at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. He is an elected fellow of the American Statistical Association and an associate editor of Communications in Statistics. He has published more than 100 articles relating to small sample inference, multivariate analysis, fiducial inference, and statistical methods for exposure data analysis.
StatCalc. Preliminaries. Discrete uniform distribution. Binomial distribution. Hypergeometric distribution. Poisson distribution. Geometric distribution. Negative binomial distribution. Logarithmic series distribution. Continuous uniform distribution. Normal distribution. Chi-square distribution. F Distribution. Student's t distribution. Exponential distribution. Gamma distribution. Beta distribution. Noncentral chi-square distribution. Noncentral F distribution. Noncentral t distribution. Laplace distribution. Logistic distribution. Lognormal distribution. Pareto distribution. Weibull distribution. Extreme value distribution. Cauchy distribution. Inverse Gaussian distribution. Rayleigh distribution. Bivariate normal distribution. Some nonparametric methods.