This second edition provides comprehensive coverage for a first course in hazardous waste management for civil, environmental engineers, and managers. Updates include material on the new USEPA revisions to the Solid and Hazardous Waste Regulations and the new e-Manifest Rule. Numerous case studies from the field and clarification of regulations simplify this complex topic. The book provides guidance on how to determine the proper category of hazardous waste generators and gives basic supplemental guidance for transporters, storage, and disposal facilities as well as covering proper completion of hazardous waste manifests and reports. The book explains record keeping, personnel training, and other requirements necessary to be in full compliance on inspections. A companion CD with regulatory forms and data is included.
Midwest Book Review:
"Hazardous Waste Management: An Introduction presumes no prior knowledge as it provides an in-depth textbook recommended for a first course in hazardous waste management for civil and environmental engineers and those managing companies in waste management. This latest edition includes all the latest regulations, recovery tools, protocols for compliance, and case studies from the field supporting each of these areas. Everything from basic recordkeeping to manifests and reports are surveyed in a top recommendation that should be basic to any introduction to the topic."
"Hazardous Waste Management: An Introduction presumes no prior knowledge as it provides an in-depth textbook recommended for a first course in hazardous waste management for civil and environmental engineers and those managing companies in waste management. This latest edition includes all the latest regulations, recovery tools, protocols for compliance, and case studies from the field supporting each of these areas. Everything from basic recordkeeping to manifests and reports are surveyed in a top recommendation that should be basic to any introduction to the topic."