Integrated circuit (IC) was first developed in 1950s in response to demands in miniaturized electronics. Today IC's are at the core of a modern digital system. If chips could be used in unmodified form packaging would be unnecessary, thus cheaper. A tiny speck of dust can hinder its functionality. Packaging is the final stage in semiconductor device fabrication, which places bare dies inside a protective package, providing pins for external connections. Ultra Thin Small Outline Package is primarily intended to provide increased capacity and functionality in the design of processors, memories amongst others. The most challenging feature of small outline transistor is their small size, meaning effective package diameter is on the same order of magnitude as the board thickness. In this work we have analyzed reliability of ultra small packages under different test conditions and investigated for common failures under various failure analysis methods. Of the different categories of small thin (ST) packages, ST553, ST563 and ST953 were studied. The tests developed would be useful for construction analysis on ST package for optimum performance
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