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This user-friendly and application-oriented overview draws on extensive literature and patent research, and is unique in its systematic structure for easy comparison. For this second edition every chapter has been rewritten, with each process updated and over 30 new ones added.
Das Buch präsentiert eine aktuelle Sammlung der wichtigsten industriell genutzten Biotransformationen. Die Prozesse sind nach Enzymklassen geordnet und mit Hilfe eines einheitlichen und benutzerfreundlichen Schemas dargestellt. Der Leser findet alle Parameter, die für die Transformation selbst und den Prozeß von…mehr

This user-friendly and application-oriented overview draws on extensive literature and patent research, and is unique in its systematic structure for easy comparison. For this second edition every chapter has been rewritten, with each process updated and over 30 new ones added.
Das Buch präsentiert eine aktuelle Sammlung der wichtigsten industriell genutzten Biotransformationen.
Die Prozesse sind nach Enzymklassen geordnet und mit Hilfe eines einheitlichen und benutzerfreundlichen Schemas dargestellt. Der Leser findet alle Parameter, die für die Transformation selbst und den Prozeß von Bedeutung sind, sowie die wesentlichen zugehörigen Literaturzitate. Übersichtliche Ablaufschemata liegen für die meisten Prozesse vor. Ein ausführlicher Index, klassifiziert nach Substraten, Produkten, Substanzklassen, Enzymen und Firmen, führt schnell und direkt zur gesuchten Information.
Bei der Suche nach neuen Produkten in der chemischen Industrie bieten enzymatische und mikrobielle Transformationen ungeahnte und derzeit noch nicht in vollem Umfang genutzte Möglichkeiten: Die großen Vorteile der Biotransformation gegenüber der chemischen Synthese sind hohe Selektivitäten, weniger Nebenprodukte, komfortable Reaktionsbedingungen und umweltfreundliches Abbauverhalten.
Der Benutzer dieses Buches erhält einen kompakten und aktuellen Überblick über Biotransformationen, die im industriellen Maßstab durchgeführt werden, und profitiert vom systematischen Aufbau des Werkes und der Vergleichbarkeit der Daten.
Andreas Liese studied chemistry at Friedrich-Wilhelms-University in Bonn, Germany, where he received his PhD in 1998. He carried out his doctoral research at the Research Center Jlich, Germany, in close collaboration with DSM Research, Netherlands. From 1998 to 2003, he was assistant professor at the University of Bonn and at the same time head of the Enzyme Group within the Institute of Biotechnology II, Research Center Jlich. During a sabbatical in 2000 at Pfizer Global Research Development, San Diego, USA, he initiated a RD group on biocatalysis. From 2003 to 2004 he was associate professor at the University of Mnster, and has been a full professor of technical biochemistry/biocatalysis at the Hamburg University of Technology as well as director at the Institute of Technical Biocatalysis since 2004. In 2003 he received the award for up-and-coming teachers in higher education in the field of biotechnology, awarded by DECHEMA, Germany. Professor Liese is a member of the "Biotechnology" steering committee of the DECHEMA e.V. and his special research interests are bioprocess engineering, enzyme technology and asymmetric biochemical synthesis.

Karsten Seelbach has been working as manager of the Supply Chain Department at Siegwerk Druckfarben AG since the end of 2002. He graduated from Bonn University, Germany, in chemistry / biotechnology in 1997. Before joining McKinsey as a senior consultant in 2001 he worked at Degussa AG in the Process Technology department, focusing on reaction kinetics, process optimization and up-scaling of reactions to production. Karsten Seelbach holds several patents, has published several journal papers, and is co-author of a book on industrial biotransformations.

Christian Wandrey carried out his doctoral research at the University of Hanover, receiving his PhD there in 1973, and where he was assistant professor from 1974 to 1977. Thereafter, he worked as associated professor at the University of Clausthal until 1979, when he was made Full Professor of Biotechnology/Chemical Engineering at the University of Bonn and Director at the Institute of Biotechnology at the Research Center Jlich, posts he still holds today.
Professor Wandrey is a recipient of the Technology-Transfer Prize, the Philip Morris Award, the Enzyme Engineering Award, and the Carl-Friedrich-Gauss-Medaille as well as the Whler Award. He has more than 300 scientific publications, 100 patents and patent applications, plus over 400 seminars to his name, and is the co-initiator of four start-up companies.
His special research interests are enzyme technology, fermentation technology, and downstream processing.
"...the quality makes the book highly advisable to any academic and industrial library of research groups dealing with biocatalysis or interested in expanding their synthetic toolbox." Engineering in Life Sciences

"...the book illustrates very clearly that biocatalysts make a significant contribution to industrial synthetic chemistry. The book is of high value for researchers in industry as well as academia and can provide lecturers very interesting examples for teaching." Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis
"Der seit einigen Jahren immer rascheren Entwicklung der weißen Biotechnologie trägt die Neuausgabe...Rechnung. Das erstmals vor fünf Jahren erschienene Werk hat eine umfassende Revision durchgemacht. Den Autoren ist es gelungen, den Hauptteil um gut 20% zu erweitern. Darin werden industriell verwendete und bekannte Enzyme, deren Einsatzgebiet sowie Prozessparameter beschrieben."