The Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission
(ORSANCO) is an interstate agency that was created in
1948, a time when the Ohio River was heavily
polluted. The Ohio River and its tributaries is
shared by at least eight states and the main
challenge at the time was that individual states only
had jurisdiction within their boundaries and no
control over what the other states did. It was,
therefore, necessary to have a governing body whose
regulations would apply to all states, hence the
creation of ORSANCO. The agency has offices based in
Cincinnati Ohio and a staff that implements the
programs set forth by the commission. This report
provides a brief overview of many of the programs
undertaken in order to monitor and control the water
quality of the Ohio River as well as inform the
public about the state of the river.
(ORSANCO) is an interstate agency that was created in
1948, a time when the Ohio River was heavily
polluted. The Ohio River and its tributaries is
shared by at least eight states and the main
challenge at the time was that individual states only
had jurisdiction within their boundaries and no
control over what the other states did. It was,
therefore, necessary to have a governing body whose
regulations would apply to all states, hence the
creation of ORSANCO. The agency has offices based in
Cincinnati Ohio and a staff that implements the
programs set forth by the commission. This report
provides a brief overview of many of the programs
undertaken in order to monitor and control the water
quality of the Ohio River as well as inform the
public about the state of the river.