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The volume "International Business Law" has been completely revised and substantially enlarged. It gives now a full and comprehensive description of the conflicts rules on competition law and intellectual property law. For the first time, also the private international law concerning patent law and copyright law is included. The following subjects are extensively dealt with: private international antitrust law, private international law of unfair trade practices, private international trade marks law, private international law concerning patents, registered patterns and designs, and private…mehr

The volume "International Business Law" has been completely revised and substantially enlarged. It gives now a full and comprehensive description of the conflicts rules on competition law and intellectual property law. For the first time, also the private international law concerning patent law and copyright law is included. The following subjects are extensively dealt with: private international antitrust law, private international law of unfair trade practices, private international trade marks law, private international law concerning patents, registered patterns and designs, and private international copyright law. In addition the provisions of the Draft of the Rome II Regulation which is expected to be enacted soon are already commented on in detail. The globalisation as private international law approach founds the basis for general principles of uniform conflicts rules for international business law.
Karl-Heinz Fezer war bis 2014 Ordinarius für Bürgerliches Recht, Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht, Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Wirtschaftsrecht an der Universität Konstanz.
"Die Aktualisierungen [...] sorgen dafür, dass der Band "IntWirtschR" des Staudinger weiterhin einen Platz in der ersten Reihe der einschlägigen Kommentierungen beanspruchen kann." -- Roland Abele in: Recht der internationalen Wirtschaft 5/2007

"Zusammenfassend lässt sich festhalten, dass das Werk in keiner International Privatrechtlichen Bibliothek fehlen darf. Das Werk gibt den Stand aller derzeit sich im Zusammenhang mit grenzüberschreitenden Sacherverhalten stellenden Fragen aus den Bereichen Kartell-, Lauterkeits- und Immaterialgüterrecht kommentierend wieder. International ausgerichtete Juristen werden mit großem Gewinn das Werk nutzen können." -- Andreas Müglich in: AW-Prax 231+234/2007