Das Jahrbuch des Simon-Dubnow-Instituts 2011 befasst sich in einem seiner Schwerpunkte mit der jüdischen Präsenz in der mittelosteuropäischen kommunalen Selbstverwaltung vornehmlich der Zwischenkriegszeit und im Besonderen in Polen. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt reflektiert Fragen literarisierter Geschichte nach 1945 anhand von ikonischen Texten, aber auch anhand von Geschichtserfahrung theoretisch verarbeiteter Zugänge. Der Allgemeine Teil und die Rubriken enthalten Beiträge zur Stadtforschung im östlichen Europa, zur Geschichte des jüdischen Zeitschriftenwesens, zur frühen Erforschung des Holocaust, zu Gelehrtenzirkeln der Wissenschaft des Judentums und zur Transfer- und Wirkungsgeschichte kontinentaler Theoriebildung in Amerika.
The Yearbook of the Simon Dubnow institute for 2011 has as one of its major themes the Jewish presence in the local governments of Central Eastern Europe, particularly during the time between World War I and World War II and especially in Poland. A further theme considers matters of literary history after 1945 based on iconic texts as well as approaches determined by our knowledge of history.The general section and the other sections contain contributions on urban life in Eastern Europe, on the history of Jewish newspaper production, on the early studies of the Holocaust, on intellectual circles in the study of Judaism, and on the history of the transfer and effect of continental theories in America.
The Yearbook of the Simon Dubnow institute for 2011 has as one of its major themes the Jewish presence in the local governments of Central Eastern Europe, particularly during the time between World War I and World War II and especially in Poland. A further theme considers matters of literary history after 1945 based on iconic texts as well as approaches determined by our knowledge of history.The general section and the other sections contain contributions on urban life in Eastern Europe, on the history of Jewish newspaper production, on the early studies of the Holocaust, on intellectual circles in the study of Judaism, and on the history of the transfer and effect of continental theories in America.