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Hinweis: Dieser Artikel kann nur an eine deutsche Lieferadresse ausgeliefert werden.
Satya Pattanaik has published two collections of poetry in Odia (Pasanara Prema Sangeeta - ISBN 9781645600275, Jharka Kholathau - ISBN 978164560626-0I) and two translation anthologies of world literature in Odia (Kshyudragalpara Mrutyu O Anyanya Galpa - ISBN 9781645600459 , Ama Nija Mati O Anyanya Kabita - ISBN 978-1645600466). He edits Odia literary magazine "Pratishruti" from the USA. He is the founder of a non-profit publishing initiative BLACK EAGLE BOOKS (www.blackeaglebooks.org) which has published over 600 titles as of now (Nov 2024) since its inception in April 2019. He has been living in the USA since 1998 and can be reached at satyapatnaik11@gmail.com.