LEGO Mindstorms NXT is the most popular robot on the market. James Kelly is the author of the most popular blog on NXT with over 30,000 hits a month.
The NXT-G visual programming language for the NXT robot is completely new and there are currently no books available on the subject. There is an extremely limited amount of information in the HTML help files included with the software. This book covers all of the basic, intermediate, and advanced programming blocks that are standard with the NXT-G language suite. The book uses simple, non-technical terminology with plenty of screenshots and line drawings to demonstrate proper use of all the blocks as well as basic programming techniques such as loops, If-Then statements, case statements, and use of variables.
The NXT-G visual programming language for the NXT robot is completely new and there are currently no books available on the subject. There is an extremely limited amount of information in the HTML help files included with the software. This book covers all of the basic, intermediate, and advanced programming blocks that are standard with the NXT-G language suite. The book uses simple, non-technical terminology with plenty of screenshots and line drawings to demonstrate proper use of all the blocks as well as basic programming techniques such as loops, If-Then statements, case statements, and use of variables.