This new book provides PE teachers with practical lesson plans for teaching movement at every elementary grade level. The book's movement and skill theme-based approach, which differs from the typical activity-based approaches found in many schools, helps students develop overall health and well-being regardless of sports interests and hobbies. Each lesson plan is broken down into subsections to illustrate the physical, cognitive, and affective benefits, the central theme or concept to be explored, the grade level, and the equipment needed. By sequencing these lesson plans so that students develop general body awareness and coordination before finer motor skills-like throwing and catching-the author offers a model of PE instruction that will promote healthy lifestyle choices long after graduation.
"Dr. Gossett's Movement Education and Skills Themes framework for teaching physical education, especially at the elementary level, is the most appropriate way physical education should be taught. It involves teaching through progressions and focusing on skills verses focusing on games and competition. Skills themes help the physical educator differentiate lessons better in addition to achieving the national standards. With this approach students are able to achieve a higher level of success and with this success comes a greater percentage of students wanting to remain physically active throughout their life."--Amy Monsegur-Colon, Physical Education Teacher, NYC Department of Education