If you're an experienced system administrator looking to acquire Linux skills, or a seasoned Linux user facing a new challenge, Linux System Administration offers practical knowledge for managing a complete range of Linux systems and servers. The book summarizes the steps you need to build everything from standalone SOHO hubs, web servers, and LAN servers to load-balanced clusters and servers consolidated through virtualization. Along the way, you'll learn about all of the tools you need to set up and maintain these working environments.Linux is now a standard corporate platform with users numbering in the hundreds of millions, and there is a definite shortage of talented administrators. Linux System Administration is ideal as an introduction to Linux for Unix veterans, MCSEs, and mainframe administrators, and as an advanced (and refresher) guide for existing Linux administrators who willwant to jump into the middle of the book. Inside, you'll learn how to: Set up a stand-alone Linux server Install, configure, maintain, and troubleshoot a DNS server using BIND Build an Internet server to manage sites, perform email and file transfers, and more Set up an email service for a small-to-medium-sized site, complete with authentication Install and configure Apache, PHP, and MySQL on a web server built from scratch Combine computers into a load-balanced Apache web server cluster based on the free Linux Virtual Server Set up local network services from distributed file systems to DHCP services, gateway services, print services, user management and more Use Linux virtualization with Xen or VMWare to run multiple kernels on one piece of hardware; manage each kernel's access to processor time, devices, and memory Create shell scripts and adapt them for your own needs Back up and restore data with rsync, tar, cdrecord, Amanda, and MySQL toolsLinux System Administration is not only knowledgeable and practical, but convenient. The ingredients for this book had been scattered throughout mailing lists, forums, and discussion groups, as well as books, periodicals, and the experiences of colleagues. Everything is now in one handy guide. In the course of their research, the authors also solved many problems whose solutions were completely undocumented. They now pass their lessons on to you.
"... wie so oft bei Büchern von O'Reilly servieren die Autoren alle Infos ohne unnötigen Ballast, perfekt für die ersten Schritte. [...] Die Autoren beschreiben die Administration anhand von Standarddiensten wie Web-, Mail- und DNS-Server sowie beliebten Anwendungen wie einer LAMP-Umgebung. Die Kapitel sind in sich abgeschlossen, wer nur nach einem Kochrezept für das schnelle Aufsetzen eines DNS-Servers sucht, kann die anderen Artikel erst einmal links liegen lassen. Immer sind die Kapitel so kurz wie möglich und so ausführlich wie nötig. [...] Wer Linux-Server administrieren will, kann sich hier das Rüstzeug für den Einstieg abholen. Grundkenntnisse vorausgesetzt, erfährt der Leser viel Wichtiges ohne großen Ballast." -- Searchdatacenter.de, August 2007