L'ère des révolutions atlantiques des dernières décennies du XVIII e siècle a ouvert la voie au développement d'une relation fort particulière entre l'Europe et les États-Unis. Tour à tour objet de curiosité, de fascination, terre d'immigration et lieu de combats sans merci, les États-Unis frappèrent tôt les observateurs attentifs par leur organisation institutionnelle, leurs gigantesques dimensions et, enfin, leur potentiel sans limites. Dès l'intervention du pays dans la Première Guerre mondiale, les relations entre le vieux et le nouveau continent devinrent ambiguës et ne cesseront de l'être, de la Seconde Guerre mondiale à la guerre froide. L'existence de ces tensions entre une Europe en quête d'unité et des États-Unis considérés comme "le gendarme du monde" se fait encore ressentir de nos jours. Ce n'est pas tant à l'analyse de ces tensions qu'est consacré ce volume qu'à leur mise en perspective, afin de contribuer à mieux comprendre l'impact de ce qui est tantôt collaboration, tantôt compétition, voire mésentente, dans un contexte mondial où il n'est pas sans intérêt d'observer l'attitude d'autres partenaires.
The era of Atlantic revolutions spanning the last decades of the 18 th century opened the way towards the development of close ties between Europe and the USA. By turns object of curiosity, fascination, land of immigration and scene of merciless combats, the United States early impressed careful observers with their institutional organization, their massive size and their unlimited potential. From the intervention in the World War I, the relationship between the old and the new continent became ambivalent. So it continued following America's intervention in World War II, and in the Cold War.
Today, the existence of major tensions between a Europe in search of unity and the United States considered as "the policeman of the world" remains visible. This volume is not meant to analyze these tensions but more to put them into perspective witha view to fostering a better understanding of the impact of the continual shift between cooperation, competition and even misunderstanding in a world where it is clearly important to keep an eye on your partner's attitudes.
The era of Atlantic revolutions spanning the last decades of the 18 th century opened the way towards the development of close ties between Europe and the USA. By turns object of curiosity, fascination, land of immigration and scene of merciless combats, the United States early impressed careful observers with their institutional organization, their massive size and their unlimited potential. From the intervention in the World War I, the relationship between the old and the new continent became ambivalent. So it continued following America's intervention in World War II, and in the Cold War.
Today, the existence of major tensions between a Europe in search of unity and the United States considered as "the policeman of the world" remains visible. This volume is not meant to analyze these tensions but more to put them into perspective witha view to fostering a better understanding of the impact of the continual shift between cooperation, competition and even misunderstanding in a world where it is clearly important to keep an eye on your partner's attitudes.