Young persuasively demonstrates the necessity for businesses to elect higher values over unbridled greed . . . a most important book. Foreword Reviews
A blueprint for global social justice is needed and this book provides one by showing that the ethical standards inherent in capitalism have been 1) compromised by cultural values inimical to capitalism s essentially egalitarian, rational spirit and 2) distorted by the short-sighted, dog-eat-dog doctrines of social Darwinism into what he calls brute capitalism. The text presents how the Caux Round Table for Moral Capitalism s Principles for Responsible Business can serve as a blueprint for a new, more moral capitalism and shows how, if guided by these principles, capitalism is really the only system with the potential to reduce global poverty and tyranny and address the needs and aspirations of individuals, societies and nations.
A blueprint for global social justice is needed and this book provides one by showing that the ethical standards inherent in capitalism have been 1) compromised by cultural values inimical to capitalism s essentially egalitarian, rational spirit and 2) distorted by the short-sighted, dog-eat-dog doctrines of social Darwinism into what he calls brute capitalism. The text presents how the Caux Round Table for Moral Capitalism s Principles for Responsible Business can serve as a blueprint for a new, more moral capitalism and shows how, if guided by these principles, capitalism is really the only system with the potential to reduce global poverty and tyranny and address the needs and aspirations of individuals, societies and nations.