This paper explores the personality dynamics of online role-playing video game players, focusing on the following aspects: self-perception, identification and ideals, introversion-extroversion, motivations and interpersonal relationships, in order to better understand the experiences and influences that this kind of video games have on the lives of gamers. In order to achieve this objective, the following instruments were applied to a sample: MMPI-2, self-concept questionnaire AF5, Karen Machover's human figure test and a Semi-Structured Interview. By evaluating the results it was possible to investigate the interactions that players develop within the community of these games, providing and expanding relevant information regarding the dynamics of personality and noting that people experience a fantastic life through the characters in the game, suggesting that the choice of the same determines and reveals elements of its functionality, generating identifications and projections whose purpose is to compensate and realise their idealised aspirations linked to their characters and roles exercised in the game.
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