Radiation Detection: Concepts, Methods, and Devices provides a modern overview of radiation detection devices and radiation measurement methods. The book topics have been selected on the basis of the authors' many years of experience designing radiation detectors and teaching radiation detection and measurement in a classroom environment.
Radiation Detection: Concepts, Methods, and Devices provides a modern overview of radiation detection devices and radiation measurement methods. The book topics have been selected on the basis of the authors' many years of experience designing radiation detectors and teaching radiation detection and measurement in a classroom environment.
Douglas S. McGregor is a University Distinguished Professor in Kansas State University (KSU) and holds the Boyd D. Brainard Chair in Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering. Professor McGregor serves as director of the Semiconductor Materials and Radiological Technologies Laboratory at KSU, a 9500 sq ft laboratory dedicated to radiation detector research.He has published over 200 research articles and reports, is co-inventor on over 20 radiation detector patents, and his research group has received five R&D-100 Awards for radiation detector innovations. Prof. McGregor is also the recipient of various other honors, including the KSU College of Engineering (CoE) Frankenhoff Outstanding Research Award (2006) and the CoE Engineering Distinguished Researcher Award (2016). J. Kenneth Shultis joined the Nuclear Engineering faculty at Kansas State University in 1969 and where he presently holds the Black and Veatch Distinguished Professorship and is the Ike and Letty Conerstone teaching scholar.Besides being coauthor of this book he has coauthored the books Fundamentals of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Radiation Shielding, Radiological Assessment, Principles of Radiation Shielding, and Exploring Monte Carlo Methods.He is a Fellow of the American Nuclear Society (ANS), and has received many awards for his teaching and research, including the infrequently awarded ANS Rockwell Lifetime Achievement Award for his contributions over 50 years to the practice of radiation shielding.
1. Origins. 2. Introduction to Nuclear Instrumentation. 3. Basic Atomic and Nuclear Physics. 4. Radiation Interactions. 5. Sources of Radiation. 6. Probability and Statistics for Radiation Counting. 7. Source and Detector Effects. 8. Essential Electrostatics. 9. Gas-Filled Detectors: Ion Chambers. 10. Gas-Filled Detectors: Proportional Counters. 11. Gas-Filled Detectors: Geiger-M¿uller Counters. 12. Review of Solid State Physics. 13. Scintillation Detectors and Materials. 14. Light Collection Devices. 15. Basics of Semiconductor Detector Devices. 16. Semiconductor Detectors. 17. Slow Neutron Detectors. 18. Fast Neutron Detectors. 19. Luminescent and Additional Detectors. 20. Radiation Measurements and Spectroscopy. 21. Mitigating Background. 22. Nuclear Electronics.