Richard Frankenbergers Kunst ist eng mit seinem kultur- und gesellschaftspolitischem Engagement verknüpft. Unermüdlich und mit kritischer Sensitivität beobachtet der Künstler sein unmittelbares ländliches Umfeld, um mit Kunst, die sich an internationalen Maßstäben und aktuellen Diskursen orientiert, gegen provinzielles Denken und Handeln vorzugehen. Natur und Landschaft werden dabei als gesellschaftliche Umräume wahrgenommen, die fernab idyllischer Verklärung einer aufklärerischen Beobachtung und künstlerischen Nutzung unterliegen. Seit den 1970er Jahren lotet Frankenberger mit seinem Werk sowie als Initiator künstlerischer und wissenschaftlicher Veranstaltungen konsequent das Spannungsfeld zwischen ökologischer Nachhaltigkeit und ökonomischen Fehlleistungen aus. In einer durch die Klimakatastrophe, die Umweltzerstörung und die damit verbundene Polarisierung zwischen Arm und Reich - im Schatten Coronas - charakterisierten Zeit, erweist sich sein Werk als hellsichtig und aktuell zugleich. (Rainer Fuchs)
Richard Frankenberger's oeuvre is inextricably linked with his commitment to social and cultural politics. The artist applies his boundless energy and critical sensitivity to observing the immediate rural surroundings, countering provincial thinking and behaviour with art that sets international standards and explores current discourse. Nature and landscape are perceived as social environments, which - far from idyllic glorification - become the subject of progressive examination and artistic reflection. Since the 1970s, Frankenberger has assiduously explored the tension between ecological sustainability and economic failures, both in his own work and as an initiator of artistic and scientific events. In a time shaped by climate disaster, environmental destruction, and - in the shadow of Corona - a resulting polarization between the rich and the poor, his body of work is at once lucid and relevant. (Rainer Fuchs)
Richard Frankenberger's oeuvre is inextricably linked with his commitment to social and cultural politics. The artist applies his boundless energy and critical sensitivity to observing the immediate rural surroundings, countering provincial thinking and behaviour with art that sets international standards and explores current discourse. Nature and landscape are perceived as social environments, which - far from idyllic glorification - become the subject of progressive examination and artistic reflection. Since the 1970s, Frankenberger has assiduously explored the tension between ecological sustainability and economic failures, both in his own work and as an initiator of artistic and scientific events. In a time shaped by climate disaster, environmental destruction, and - in the shadow of Corona - a resulting polarization between the rich and the poor, his body of work is at once lucid and relevant. (Rainer Fuchs)