Thomas N. Ingram is a Department Chair Emeritus and Professor of Marketing Emeritus at Colorado State University, USA. Raymond W. LaForge is the Brown-Forman Professor of Marketing Emeritus at University of Louisville, USA. Ramon A. Avila is the George and Frances Ball Distinguished Professor of Marketing Emeritus and the founding director of the Center for Professional Selling at Ball State University, USA. Charles H. Schwepker, Jr. is the Randall and Kelly Harbert Distinguished Marketing Professor at University of Central Missouri, USA. Michael R. Williams is the American Floral Services Chair in Marketing and Professor of Marketing at Oklahoma City University, USA, and Professor of Marketing Emeritus at Illinois State University, USA.
1. Changing World of Sales Management Part I: Describing the Personal
Selling Function 2. Overview of Personal Selling Part II: Defining the
Strategic Role of the Sales Function 3. Organizational Strategies and the
Sales Function 4. Sales Organization Structure, Salesforce Deployment, and
Forecasting Appendix: Devloping Forecasts Part III: Developing the
Salesforce 5. Acquiring Sales Talent: Recruitment and Selection 6.
Continual Development of the Salesforce: Sales Training Part IV: Directing
the Salesforce 7. Sales Leadership, Management, and Supervision 8.
Motivation and Reward System Management Part V: Determining Salesforce
Effectiveness and Performance 9. Evaluating the Effectiveness of the
Organization 10. Evaluating the Performance of Salespeople