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  • Lernkassette

To celebrate William Shakespeare’s 450th birthday, the editors of William Shakespeare’s Sonnets, published on occasion of the quatercentenary in 2009, present a supplementary volume. It contains essays on six more languages (Belarusian by Maryna Kazlouskaya; Igbo by Ifeyinwa Okolo; Kurdish by Kawa Nemir; Mauritian by Roshni Mooneeram; Thai by Pachee Yuvajita; Vietnamese by Kim Chi Vu), and five essays on the medial transposition of The Sonnets; the contributors are Zeno Ackermann, Frank Gertich and Susanne Rupp, Manfred Pfister and Jürgen Gutsch, Stefan Schukowski, Mariangela Tempera. -- As…mehr

To celebrate William Shakespeare’s 450th birthday, the editors of William Shakespeare’s Sonnets, published on occasion of the quatercentenary in 2009, present a supplementary volume. It contains essays on six more languages (Belarusian by Maryna Kazlouskaya; Igbo by Ifeyinwa Okolo; Kurdish by Kawa Nemir; Mauritian by Roshni Mooneeram; Thai by Pachee Yuvajita; Vietnamese by Kim Chi Vu), and five essays on the medial transposition of The Sonnets; the contributors are Zeno Ackermann, Frank Gertich and Susanne Rupp, Manfred Pfister and Jürgen Gutsch, Stefan Schukowski, Mariangela Tempera. -- As before, an accompanying dvd showcases the text of both volumes and the whole host of (clips from) stage performances and feature films, the recitations, concert hall or pop music, book cover designs, book illustrations etc.Jedem Buch wird eine DVD beigegeben, die den Inhalt beider Bände (2009 und 2014) enthält und darüber hinaus eine Unmenge an Bild- und Ton- und Textmaterial.