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Swing Hacks helps Java developers move beyond the basics of Swing, the graphical user interface (GUI) standard since Java 2. If you're a Java developer looking to build enterprise applications with a first-class look and feel, Swing is definitely one skill you need to master. This latest title from O'Reilly is a reference to the cool stuff in Swing. It's about the interesting things you learn over the years--creative, original, even weird hacks--the things that make you say, "I didn't know you could even do that with Swing!" Swing Hacks will show you how to extend Swing's rich component set in…mehr

Swing Hacks helps Java developers move beyond the basics of Swing, the graphical user interface (GUI) standard since Java 2. If you're a Java developer looking to build enterprise applications with a first-class look and feel, Swing is definitely one skill you need to master. This latest title from O'Reilly is a reference to the cool stuff in Swing. It's about the interesting things you learn over the years--creative, original, even weird hacks--the things that make you say, "I didn't know you could even do that with Swing!"
Swing Hacks will show you how to extend Swing's rich component set in advanced and sometimes non-obvious ways. The book touches upon the entire Swing gamut-tables, trees, sliders, spinners, progress bars, internal frames, and text components. Detail is also provided on JTable/JTree, threaded component models, and translucent windows. You'll learn how to filter lists, power-up trees and tables, and add drag-and-drop support.
Swing Hacks will show you how to do fun things that will directly enhance your own applications. Some are visual enhancements to make your software look better. Some are functional improvements to make your software do something it couldn't do before. Some are even just plain silly, in print only to prove it could be done. The book will also give you give you a small glimpse of the applications coming in the future. New technology is streaming into the Java community at a blistering rate, and it gives application developers a whole new set of blocks to play with.
With its profusion of tips and tricks, Swing Hacks isn't just for the developer who wants to build a better user interface. It's also ideally suited for client-side Java developers who want to deliver polished applications, enthusiasts who want to push Java client application boundaries, and coders who want to bring powerful techniques to their own applications.
Whatever your programming needs, Swing Hacks is packed with programming lessons that increase your competency with interface-building tools.
Joshua Marinacci is the author of "The Java Sketchbook" column for, covering topics in Java client-side and web development. A Java programmer since 1995, he's currently working on enterprise document management software. Joshua earned his BS from Georgia Tech in 1997, and has been a professional programmer for over a decade. Chris Adamson is the Associate Online Editor for the O'Reilly web sites and, and is the author of O'Reilly's QuickTime for Java: A Developer's Notebook. His consulting company, Subsequently & Furthermore, Inc., specializes in Java media development. Chris has a BA and BS from Stanford University and an MA from Michigan State University.
"In seiner umfangreichen Hacks-Reihe offeriert der US-amerikanische Verlag O'Reilly unkonventionelle und trickreiche Lösungen für gängige Probleme des Computer-Alltags. Jeder Band enthält etwa 100 so genannte Hacks, das sind kleine in sich geschlossene Artikel, die sich jeweils mit einem speziellen Problem beschäftigen und hierzu eine kurze, schlüssige und zumeist pfiffige Lösung anbieten. Mit ihrer jüngst erschienenen Ausgabe Swing Hacks möchten Joshua Marinacci und Chris Adamson Java-Anwendungen unter anderem zu einem zeitgemäßen und gefälligen Äußeren verhelfen. [...]Beim Prüfen des Inhaltsverzeichnisses neigt der unbefangene Leser zunächst vielleicht spontan dazu, den einen oder anderen Hack als bloße Spielerei abzutun [...]. Dennoch erschließt sich beim Schmökern ein beachtliches Potenzial, weil es den Autoren auch gelingt, scheinbar bekanntes Terrain auf amüsante und lehrreiche Art neu zu erschließen. Deshalb kann dieses Buch getrost jedem Java-Entwickler [...] ans Herz gelegt werden." - Thomas Künneth, c't Heft 20, 09/2005