Teaching and Learning Phraseology in the XXI Century Phraseologie Lehren und Lernen im 21. Jahrhundert
Challenges for Phraseodidactics and Phraseotranslation Herausforderungen für Phraseodidaktik und Phraseoübersetzung Herausgegeben:Wotjak, Gerd; Mena Martínez, Florentina; Strohschen, Carola
Teaching and Learning Phraseology in the XXI Century Phraseologie Lehren und Lernen im 21. Jahrhundert
Challenges for Phraseodidactics and Phraseotranslation Herausforderungen für Phraseodidaktik und Phraseoübersetzung Herausgegeben:Wotjak, Gerd; Mena Martínez, Florentina; Strohschen, Carola
Phraseology is a field of research that is gaining increasing interest. Today, two of the core areas of applied phraseology, phraseodidactics and phraseotranslation, take advantage of the new developments in other linguistic areas. The investigation into the teaching and translation of phraseological units is constantly moving forward, which will have an effect on the practice of pedagogy and translation in this century. This book includes the most important current trends in phraseodidactics and phraseotranslation research applying methods from cognitive linguistics, to construction grammar,…mehr
Phraseology is a field of research that is gaining increasing interest. Today, two of the core areas of applied phraseology, phraseodidactics and phraseotranslation, take advantage of the new developments in other linguistic areas. The investigation into the teaching and translation of phraseological units is constantly moving forward, which will have an effect on the practice of pedagogy and translation in this century. This book includes the most important current trends in phraseodidactics and phraseotranslation research applying methods from cognitive linguistics, to construction grammar, and to corpus linguistics. It also deals with the key issues of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), the influence of the mother tongue, and the development of materials.
Studien zur romanischen Sprachwissenschaft und interkulturellen Kommunikation 144
Florentina Micaela Mena Martínez is a senior lecturer in the department of English studies at the University of Murcia (Spain) and a coordinator of the teaching innovation group "PhraseoTic" at the university. She is a member of the research group "Varling" and teaches contrastive phraseology on the master¿s degree course, MALTA. Carola Strohschen is a lecturer in German as a foreign language at the University of Murcia (Spain) and a member of the Department of Translation and Interpretation. She is part of the research group "Phraseology, Paremiology and Translation" and a member of the teaching innovation group "PhraseoTIC." Both editors have extensive experience in the research field of phraseology from a descriptive, didactic and translational perspective.
Introduction. Phraseology: what lies ahead
Zur Theorie der Phraseologie: grundlegende Fragen und praktische Anwendungen
A phraseotranslatological-based approach to literary translation
Teaching idioms for translation purposes: a trilingual corpus-based glossary applied to phraseodidactics (ES/EN/DE)
Was hat der Gemeinsame Europäische Referenzrahmen der Phraseodidaktik zu bieten?
Sprachkontrastive Aspekte der Niveauzuordnung für den DAF-Unterricht: Hinweise aus der Unterrichtspraxis
Korpuslinguistische Ansätze in der Phraseodidaktik für Deutsch als Fremdsprache
Potenziale elektronischer Schulbücher für die muttersprachliche Phraseodidaktik