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The2002VLDBworkshoponTechnologiesforE-Services(VLDB-TES02)is the third workshop in a series of annual workshops endorsed by the VLDB Conference. Itservesasaforumfortheexchangeofideas,resultsandexperience intheareaofe-commerceande-business. VLDB-TES02tookplaceinHongKong,China. Itfeaturedthepresentation of14regularpapers,focusedonmajoraspectsofe-businesssolutions. Inad- tion,theworkshopinvited?veindustrialspeakerstosharetheirvision,insight, andexperiencewiththeaudience. Theworkshopwouldnothavebeenasuccesswithouthelpfrommanyp- ple. SpecialthanksgotoFabioCasati,whorecruitedtheworld-classspeakers…mehr

The2002VLDBworkshoponTechnologiesforE-Services(VLDB-TES02)is the third workshop in a series of annual workshops endorsed by the VLDB Conference. Itservesasaforumfortheexchangeofideas,resultsandexperience intheareaofe-commerceande-business. VLDB-TES02tookplaceinHongKong,China. Itfeaturedthepresentation of14regularpapers,focusedonmajoraspectsofe-businesssolutions. Inad- tion,theworkshopinvited?veindustrialspeakerstosharetheirvision,insight, andexperiencewiththeaudience. Theworkshopwouldnothavebeenasuccesswithouthelpfrommanyp- ple. SpecialthanksgotoFabioCasati,whorecruitedtheworld-classspeakers from various e-business ?elds, Ludger Fiege who served as the publicity and publicationchair,andEleanaKafeza,whoorganizedandplannedthelocal- rangements. We also thank the authors for submitting their papers and the membersoftheprogramcommitteeandexternalreviewersfortheirthorough work,whichgreatlycontributedtothequalityofthe?nalprogram. Wehopethattheparticipantsfoundtheworkshopinterestingandstimul- ing,andwethankthemforattendingandforcontributingtothediscussions. Juli2002 Ming-ChienShan Mei-ChunHsu AlejandroBuchmann Organization WorkshopO?cers GeneralChair Ming-ChienShan,Hewlett-Packard shan@hpl. hp. com ProgramChairs Mei-ChunHsu,CommerceOne Meichun. Hsu@commerceone. com AlejandroBuchmann,DarmstadtUniversityofTechnology buchmann@informatik. tu-darmstadt. de IndustrialTrackChair FabioCasati,Hewlett-Packard casati@hpl. hp. com LocalArrangementsChair EleanaKafeza,HongKongUniversityofScienceandTechnology kafeza@cs. ust. hk PublicityChair LudgerFiege,DarmstadtUniversityofTechnology fiege@gkec. tu-darmstadt. de VIII Organization ProgramCommittee GustavoAlonso,ETHZuric h,Switzerland JeanBacon,CambridgeUniversity,UK MartinBichler,IBM,USA ChristofBornhoevd,IBM,USA PaulBrebner,CSIRO,Australia ChristophBussler,OracleCorp. ,USA ArvolaChan,TIBCO,USA Jen-YaoChung,IBM,USA UmeshDayal,Hewlett-Packard,USA OscarDiaz,U. delPaisVasco,Spain AsumanDogac,MiddleEastTechnicalUniversity,Turkey PeterFankhauser,FraunhoferIPSI,Germany DanFishman,AvayaLabs. ,USA MatthewFuchs,SteleCorp. ,USA DimitriosGeorgakopoulos,Telcordia,USA BobGlushko,CommerceOne,USA EleanaKafeza,HongKongUniversityofScienceandTechnology,China RogerKilian-Kehr,T-SystemsNova,Germany JohannesKlein,Microsoft,USA WinfriedLamersdorf,HamburgUniversity,Germany FrankLeymann,IBM,Germany ChristophLiebig,SAP,Germany OdedShmueli,Technion,Israel JoeSventek,Agilent,UK StefanTai,IBM,USA AphroditiTsalgatidou,U. ofAthens,Greece DickTsur,Real-TimeEnterpriseGroup,USA SteveVinoski,IONA,USA HartmutVogler,SAPResearchLab,USA ClausvonRieger,SAP,Germany GerhardWeikum,U. oftheSaarland,Germany AdditionalReferees GeorgeAthanassopoulos YildirayKabak NuriGokhanKurt GokceBanuLaleci ThomiPilioura UweWilhelm TableofContents DynamicE-business:TrendsinWebServices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 C. Mohan TelecomDatabasesfortheE-servicesIndustry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 MikaelRonstr om,VinayP. Joosery ImprovingtheFunctionalityofUDDIRegistriesthroughWeb ServiceSemantics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 AsumanDogac,IbrahimCingil,GokceLaleci,YildirayKabak PublicProcessInheritanceforBusiness-to-BusinessIntegration. . . . . . . . . . 19 ChristophBussler AModel-TransformersArchitectureforWebApplications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 AlexeyValikov,AlexeiAkhounov,AndreasSchmidt ModelingE-serviceOrchestrationthroughPetriNets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 MassimoMecella,FrancescoParisiPresicce,BarbaraPernici CompositeApplications:ProcessBasedApplicationDevelopment. . . . . . . . 48 AnilK. Nori,RajivJain DesignMethodologyforWebServicesandBusinessProcesses. . . . . . . . . . . 54 MikeP. Papazoglou,JianYang E-serviceBasedInformationFusion:AUser-LevelInformation IntegrationFramework. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 AbdelsalamHelal,JingtingLu ARequestLanguageforWeb-Se
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Alejandro Buchmann, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany / Fabio Casati, Hewlett-Packard, Paolo Alto, CA, USA / Ludger Fiege, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany / Mei-Chun Hsu, Commerce One, Paolo Alto, CA, USA / Ming-Chien Shan, Hewlett Packard, Paolo Alto, USA