Evalle Kincaid will fight to the death for her supernatural friends. But when Kenyon and Love's tough-as-nails heroine reveals her darkest secret, who among those she had trusted will be left standing? Original.
Evalle Kincaid will fight to the death for her supernatural friends. But when Kenyon and Love's tough-as-nails heroine reveals her darkest secret, who among those she had trusted will be left standing? Original.
Sherrilyn Kenyon is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of several series, including the Bureau of American Defense novels BAD Attitude, Phantom in the Night, Whispered Lies, and Silent Truth and the Belador series that includes Blood Trinity, Alterant, and The Curse. Since her first book debuted in 1993 while she was still in college, she has placed more than eighty novels on the New York Times list in all formats and genres, including manga and graphic novels, and has more than 70 million books in print worldwide. She lives with her family near Nashville, Tennessee. Visit her website at SherrilynKenyon.com.