THE GREAT COMMISSION ABOUT THE BOOK: "He said to them, 'Go into all the world and Preach the Good News to all creation" (Mark: 16:15). Jesus says we should take the Good News of what He has already accomplished for the Salvation of mankind, to all creation! This task is also known as The Great Commission! Hence the author in this Book unveils the Challenges, Process and Prospects of carrying out the Great Commission in the 21st Century. The author seeks to encourage the Body of Christ and everyone reading this book to be a partaker in the burden, passion, and action of the Great Commission. The book also includes what the author refers to as the 40 'A's of an Effective Soul Winner that will help the reader become more comfortable in the task of Evangelism! As you read through this Book, you'll develop a deep PASSION for SOULS that will motivate you into action to WIN SOULS as you carry out the Great Commission in the 21st century! ABOUT THE AUTHOR: DR. VINCENT, PAUL NDUOMA is a Motivational & Anointed Preacher, Teacher, Chaplain, Prolific Author & Publisher. He's President of: Vincent Paul Ministries Int'l.; Kingdom Power Ministries Int'l; & President/CEO, Vincent Paul Group, Inc. He's also a CAPTAIN in the U.S. Army. He's appeared on: CBN 'Turning Point' (TBN Europe, Love World & AIT) NTA Network; WHTV; TCT TV; KCHF TV; BEN TV London & featured in New York Daily News! He also runs Persistence Works Internet TV! He's published many Books including Persistence Works! & publishes Persistence Works E-Newsletter - reaching over 25,000 people in 150 nations! He holds a B.A. degree from University of Ibadan; M.A. [Leadership] & Master of Divinity [M.Div.] both from Liberty University. He's also been awarded an Honorary Doctor of Letters from Westgate University for his prolific writings! He's had training in Entrepreneurship from Harvard Business School. Dr. Paul & Edith are based in Texas.
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