Just like in the days of the prophet Elijah, Jezebel is deceiving, slandering, seducing, threatening, and murdering all who refuse to bow down to Baal. THE JEHU ANOINTING was written for such a time as this to warn the Body of Christ to repent, to cast down their idols, and return to the ONLY TRUE AND LIVING GOD, JEHOVAH: THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC AND JACOB. God has given His children and United States of America a reprieve, to give them time to repent, to cast down their false idols, and to worship JEHOVAH alone, and to get themselves and their loved ones into the ARK that is Christ Jesus. It is time for the Body of Christ to get their house in order! Those who choose to defy the Only True and Living God, JEHOVAH, and continue in their worship of Baal, will soon stand before Him in judgment and be cast into HELL and receive eternal damnation. THESE ARE TRULY THE DAYS OF ELIJAH. Choose this day whom you will serve. As for me and my house, we shall serve JEHOVAH, the Only True and Living God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel.
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