Manager im Medienbereich, allgemeine Business-Leser
Rupert Murdoch ist der wohl berühmteste Geschäftsmann weltweit. "The Murdoch Mission" gibt dem Leser einen tiefen Einblick in Murdochs News Corporation und dokumentiert seinen strategischen Vorstoss in die digitale Medienwelt und neue Internet-gestützte Unternehmen. Autorin Wendy Rohm beschreibt, wie Murdochs jüngster Sohn James den Erfolg seines Vaters in den aufstrebenden Megamärkten des Fernen Ostens beeinflusst und untersucht, welche Auswirkungen dieser Vorstoss auf den internationalen Handel und die gesamte Medienwelt haben wird. "The Murdoch Mission" basiert auf persönlichen Interviews mit Rupert und James Murdoch sowie Führungskräften und leitenden Angestellten ihres Unternehmens, Kollegen, Vertrauten und Konkurrenten. Dieses Buch zeichnet ein lebendiges und überlebensgroßes Porträt von Rupert Murdoch und zeigt anschaulich, wie dieser mächtige Medienzar sein globales Unternehmen in das digitale Zeitalter geführt hat.
A dramatic narrative by a top journalist about the transformation of one of the world's greatest media empires.
The Murdoch Mission gets inside Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. and documents the media mogul's strategic forays in digital media and broadcasting and new Internet-based businesses. Among other giant highlights is the creation of his new $40 billion company, the mammoth Sky Global Networks.
Wendy Rohm provides an up-close look at how Murdoch's youngest son, James Murdoch, is changing his father's fortune in the megamarket of China and other world markets. She shows the impact these forays will have on international trade and the media world at large. Based on her personal time with James in Hong Kong and Beijing, interviews with Rupert Murdoch himself as well as Murdoch's corporate officers, senior executives, colleagues, confidants, and competitors, Rohm provides a larger-than-life, colorful account of how one of the most powerful media lords on the planet leads his global corporation into the digital age. The Murdoch Mission delves into Murdoch's successes as well as his disasters while also providing a glimpse into the impact he and his company are having on the cultural and media landscape of the world.
Wendy Goldman Rohm (Chicago, IL) is the bestselling author of The Microsoft File, a Business Week, Barnes & Noble, and New York Times bestseller. A prolific writer, she has been a correspondent for many publications, including Wired magazine, Upside, the New York Times Syndicate International, Chicago Tribune, Red Herring, the Los Angeles Times, and others.
"...a must read for Murdoch-watchers and television people." (Eurobusiness, April 2002)
1. The Dream Beam.
2. Walled Garden.
3. Big Guns.
4. The Code.
5. The Patent Lord.
6. Rupert, James, and the Dragon.
7. Patriarchs in Decline.
8. Footholds.
9. On The Peak.
10. Rupert and Rupees.
11. In the Land of the Giants.
12. Bubble.
Epilogue: Legacies.
Source Notes.
Rupert Murdoch ist der wohl berühmteste Geschäftsmann weltweit. "The Murdoch Mission" gibt dem Leser einen tiefen Einblick in Murdochs News Corporation und dokumentiert seinen strategischen Vorstoss in die digitale Medienwelt und neue Internet-gestützte Unternehmen. Autorin Wendy Rohm beschreibt, wie Murdochs jüngster Sohn James den Erfolg seines Vaters in den aufstrebenden Megamärkten des Fernen Ostens beeinflusst und untersucht, welche Auswirkungen dieser Vorstoss auf den internationalen Handel und die gesamte Medienwelt haben wird. "The Murdoch Mission" basiert auf persönlichen Interviews mit Rupert und James Murdoch sowie Führungskräften und leitenden Angestellten ihres Unternehmens, Kollegen, Vertrauten und Konkurrenten. Dieses Buch zeichnet ein lebendiges und überlebensgroßes Porträt von Rupert Murdoch und zeigt anschaulich, wie dieser mächtige Medienzar sein globales Unternehmen in das digitale Zeitalter geführt hat.
A dramatic narrative by a top journalist about the transformation of one of the world's greatest media empires.
The Murdoch Mission gets inside Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. and documents the media mogul's strategic forays in digital media and broadcasting and new Internet-based businesses. Among other giant highlights is the creation of his new $40 billion company, the mammoth Sky Global Networks.
Wendy Rohm provides an up-close look at how Murdoch's youngest son, James Murdoch, is changing his father's fortune in the megamarket of China and other world markets. She shows the impact these forays will have on international trade and the media world at large. Based on her personal time with James in Hong Kong and Beijing, interviews with Rupert Murdoch himself as well as Murdoch's corporate officers, senior executives, colleagues, confidants, and competitors, Rohm provides a larger-than-life, colorful account of how one of the most powerful media lords on the planet leads his global corporation into the digital age. The Murdoch Mission delves into Murdoch's successes as well as his disasters while also providing a glimpse into the impact he and his company are having on the cultural and media landscape of the world.
Wendy Goldman Rohm (Chicago, IL) is the bestselling author of The Microsoft File, a Business Week, Barnes & Noble, and New York Times bestseller. A prolific writer, she has been a correspondent for many publications, including Wired magazine, Upside, the New York Times Syndicate International, Chicago Tribune, Red Herring, the Los Angeles Times, and others.
"...a must read for Murdoch-watchers and television people." (Eurobusiness, April 2002)
1. The Dream Beam.
2. Walled Garden.
3. Big Guns.
4. The Code.
5. The Patent Lord.
6. Rupert, James, and the Dragon.
7. Patriarchs in Decline.
8. Footholds.
9. On The Peak.
10. Rupert and Rupees.
11. In the Land of the Giants.
12. Bubble.
Epilogue: Legacies.
Source Notes.