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  • Gebundenes Buch

Until the 1980s—and in rare cases until today—playgrounds were places for social experiments, risky projects, and spectacular sculptures. Architects, urban planners, artists, parents, and children were invited to leave their comfort zone and to venture into something new. The Playground Project will bring many of these exemplary, but nowadays forgotten initiatives, pioneering acts, and adventures back. Examples from Europe, the USA, Japan, and India will be discussed in depth and illustrated with numerous images. This is the first comprehensive overview of this kind and addresses laymen as well as experts who want to do more than just seesaw and swing.…mehr

Until the 1980s—and in rare cases until today—playgrounds were places for social experiments, risky projects, and spectacular sculptures. Architects, urban planners, artists, parents, and children were invited to leave their comfort zone and to venture into something new. The Playground Project will bring many of these exemplary, but nowadays forgotten initiatives, pioneering acts, and adventures back. Examples from Europe, the USA, Japan, and India will be discussed in depth and illustrated with numerous images. This is the first comprehensive overview of this kind and addresses laymen as well as experts who want to do more than just seesaw and swing.

Perlentaucher-Notiz zur TAZ-Rezension

Jochen Schmidt erinnert sich wehmütig an die Spielgeräte seiner Kindheit, an Kletterpilz und Metallrutsche, beim Durchblättern des Katalogs von Gabriela Burkhalters Ausstellung in der Kunsthalle Zürich. Nichts mehr davon im Zeitalter der DIN-Normen, stellt er betrübt fest, das Sicherheitsbedürfnis hat Kreativität und Selbstbestimmung auch vom Spielplatz verdrängt. Und nun? Die Spielplatzforschung gibt Aufschluss, meint Schmidt, mit historischem Bildmaterial und soziologischen Überlegungen zur Stadtentwicklung, zu Materialien, zur Skulptur und zum kreativen Spiel. Ein bisher wenig erforschtes Gebiet, meint Schmidt.

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