Migration moves people, ideas and things. Migration shakes up political scenes and instigates new social movements. It redraws emotional landscapes and reshapes social networks, with traditional and digital media enabling, representing, and shaping the processes, relationships and people on the move. The deep entanglement of media and migration expands across the fields of political, cultural and social life. For example, migration is increasingly digitally tracked and surveilled, and national and international policy-making draws on data on migrant movement, anticipated movement, and…mehr
Migration moves people, ideas and things. Migration shakes up political scenes and instigates new social movements. It redraws emotional landscapes and reshapes social networks, with traditional and digital media enabling, representing, and shaping the processes, relationships and people on the move. The deep entanglement of media and migration expands across the fields of political, cultural and social life. For example, migration is increasingly digitally tracked and surveilled, and national and international policy-making draws on data on migrant movement, anticipated movement, and biometrics to maintain a sense of control over the mobilities of humans and things. Also, social imaginaries are constituted in highly mediated environments where information and emotions on migration are constantly shared on social and traditional media. Both, those migrating and those receiving them, turn to media and communicative practices to learn how to make sense of migration and to manage fears and desires associated with cross-border mobility in an increasingly porous but also controlled and divided world.
The SAGE Handbook of Media and Migration offers a comprehensive overview of media and migration through new research, as well as a review of present scholarship in this expanding and promising field. It explores key interdisciplinary concepts and methodologies, and how these are challenged by new realities and the links between contemporary migration patterns and its use of mediated processes. Although primarily grounded in media and communication studies, the Handbook builds on research in the fields of sociology, anthropology, political science, urban studies, science and technology studies, human rights, development studies, and gender and sexuality studies, to bring to the forefront key theories, concepts and methodological approaches to the study of the movement of people.
In seven parts, the Handbook dissects important areas of cross-disciplinary and generational discourse for graduate students, early career researcher, migration management practitioners, and academics in the fields of media and migration studies, international development, communication studies, and the wider social science discipline.
Prologue: Decolonial Healing - Tabita Rezaire Editorial Introduction: Media and Migration: Research Encounters - Kevin Smets, Koen Leurs, Myria Georgiou, Saskia Witteborn & Radhika Gajjala Part 1: Keywords Chapter 1: Mediation - Radha S. Hegde Chapter 2: Diaspora as a Frame: How the Notion has Reshaped Migration Studies - Roza Tsagarousianou Chapter 3: Postcolonial Theory - Sandra Ponzanesi Chapter 4: Borders - Lilie Chouliaraki & Myria Georgiou Chapter 5: Transnationalism, Inter-nationalism and Multicultural Questions - Koichi Iwabuchi Chapter 6: Migration and the post-secular - Eva Midden Chapter 7: Cosmopolitanism in the Anthropocene - Miyase Christensen Chapter 8: Intersectionality - Alyssa Fisher, Kaitlyn Wauthier, & Radhika Gajjala Chapter 9: Affect, Emotions and Feelings - Donya Alinejad & Domitilia Olivieri Chapter 10: Connected Migrants - Dana Diminescu Chapter 11: Digital Divides - Linda Leung Chapter 12: Information Precarity - Melissa Wall Chapter 13: Infrastructures - Koen Leurs Chapter 14: The Political Economy of Digital Media, Migration and Race - Eugenia Siapera Chapter 15: Beyond Media Studies of Migration - Kevin Robins Chapter 16: Insurgent Academics - Roopika Risam Part 2: Methodologies Chapter 17: On Researching Climates of Hostility and Weathering - Yasmin Gunaratnam Chapter 18: Refracting the Analytical Gaze: Studying Media Representations of Migrant Death at the Border - Karina Horsti Chapter 19: Racializing Space. Gendering Place: Black Feminism, Ethnography, and Methodological Challenges Online and IRL - Kishonna Gray Chapter 20: Mobile Methods: Doing Migration Research with the Help of Smartphones - Katja Kaufmann Chapter 21: Mobility, Media, and Data Politics - Will L. Allen Chapter 22: Twitter Influentials and the Networked Publics' Engagement with the Rohingya Crisis in Arabic and English - Ahmed Al-Rawi Part 3: Communities Chapter 23: The Performative Digital Africa: iROKOtv, Nollywood Televisuals, and Community Building in the African Digital Diaspora - Tori Omega Arthur Chapter 24: Queer Migration and Digital Culture - Lukasz Szulc Chapter 25: Out of Place: Refugees Navigating Nation, Self, and Culture in Former East Germany - Emily Edwards Chapter 26: (Re)loading Identity and Affective Capital Online: The case of Diaspora Basques on Facebook - Pedro J. Oiarzabal Chapter 27: Russophone Diasporic Journalism: Production and Producers in the Changing Communicative Landscape - Olga Voronova, Liudmila Voronova, & Dmitry Yagodin Chapter 28: Airtime and the public sphere: Candela Radio's contribution to the integration of immigrant communities in the Basque Country - Irati Agirreazkuenaga & Estitxu Garai-Artetxe Chapter 29: Recasting Home: Indian Immigrants and the World Wide Web - Madhavi Mallapragada Chapter 30: Migrations and the Media between Asia and Latin America: Japanese Brazilians in Tokyo and Sao Paulo - Jessica Retis Part 4: Borders and Rights Chapter 31: Borders and the Contagious Nature of Mediation - Huub Dijstelbloem Chapter 32: The Oromo Movement and Ethiopian Border-making Using Social Media - Payal Arora Chapter 33: Digital Humanitarianism in a Refugee Camp - Léa Macias Chapter 34: The Politics of Vulnerability and Protection: Analysing the Case of LGBT Asylum Seekers in the Netherlands in Light of Securitization and Homonationalist Discourses - Christine Quinan, Dana Theewis, & Cecilia Cienfuegos Chapter 35: Young Displaced Women in Colombia and Media Use - Melissa Chacon Chapter 36: Communication Rights for Immigrants - Cees Hamelink & Maria Hagan Part 5: Representations Chapter 37: Migration, Race/Ethnicity and Sports Media Content - Jacco van Sterkenburg Chapter 38: Immigrant Families in European Cinema - Daniela Beghahn Chapter 39: Breaking the Silence: From Representations of Victims and Threat Towards Spaces of Voice - Kaarina Nikunen Chapter 40: Making Space for Oneself: Minorities and Self-Representation in Popular Media - Rosemary Pennington Chapter 41: Representations from a Multi-Stakeholders Perspective: A Research Agenda - Leen d'Haenens & Willem Joris Part 6: Spatialities Chapter 42: The Migration-Mobility Nexus: The Politics of Interface, Labor and Gender - Saskia Witteborn & Zhuoxiao Xie Chapter 43: The Cog that Imagines the System: Data Migration and Migrant Bodies in the Wake of Aadhaar - Nishant Shah Chapter 44: Automation versus Nationalism: Challenges to the Future of Work in the Software Industry - Nilanjan Raghunath Chapter 45: Civic Media, & Placemaking; (Re)Claiming Urban & Migrant Rights Across Digital and Physical Spaces - Giota Alevizou Chapter 46: Digital Place-Making Practices and Daily Struggles of Venezuelan Refugees in Brazil - Amanda Paz Alencar Chapter 47: Being at Home on Social Media: Online Place-Making among the Kurds in Turkey and Rural Migrants in China - Elisabetta Costa & JinXie Wang Chapter 48: YouTube as an Intercultural Space: Digital Narratives of Younger-Generation Migrants - Sherry Yu Part 7: Conflicts Chapter 49: Racisms, Migration and Media: A Reflection on Mutable Understandings and Shifting 'Problem Populations' - Gavan Titley Chapter 50: Anti-Immigrant Sentiments and Mobilization on the Internet - Mattias Ekman Chapter 51: National Politics, Transnational Resistance: Alevi Television during the State of Emergency in Turkey (2016-2018) - Kumru Berfin Emin Cetin Chapter 52: Diaspora Activism in Host and Home Countries: Motivations, Possibilities and Limits - Christine Ogan Chapter 53: Media, Recognition and Conflict-Generated Diaspora: the Somali Diaspora as a Case Study - Idil Osman Chapter 54: Conflict and Migration in Lebanese Graphic Narratives - Rasha Chatta Epilogue: On Giving and Being a Voice - Zaina Erhaim, Yazan Badran, & Kevin Smets Epilogue: Self-Reflections on Migration and Exile - Bermal Aydin
Prologue: Decolonial Healing - Tabita Rezaire Editorial Introduction: Media and Migration: Research Encounters - Kevin Smets, Koen Leurs, Myria Georgiou, Saskia Witteborn & Radhika Gajjala Part 1: Keywords Chapter 1: Mediation - Radha S. Hegde Chapter 2: Diaspora as a Frame: How the Notion has Reshaped Migration Studies - Roza Tsagarousianou Chapter 3: Postcolonial Theory - Sandra Ponzanesi Chapter 4: Borders - Lilie Chouliaraki & Myria Georgiou Chapter 5: Transnationalism, Inter-nationalism and Multicultural Questions - Koichi Iwabuchi Chapter 6: Migration and the post-secular - Eva Midden Chapter 7: Cosmopolitanism in the Anthropocene - Miyase Christensen Chapter 8: Intersectionality - Alyssa Fisher, Kaitlyn Wauthier, & Radhika Gajjala Chapter 9: Affect, Emotions and Feelings - Donya Alinejad & Domitilia Olivieri Chapter 10: Connected Migrants - Dana Diminescu Chapter 11: Digital Divides - Linda Leung Chapter 12: Information Precarity - Melissa Wall Chapter 13: Infrastructures - Koen Leurs Chapter 14: The Political Economy of Digital Media, Migration and Race - Eugenia Siapera Chapter 15: Beyond Media Studies of Migration - Kevin Robins Chapter 16: Insurgent Academics - Roopika Risam Part 2: Methodologies Chapter 17: On Researching Climates of Hostility and Weathering - Yasmin Gunaratnam Chapter 18: Refracting the Analytical Gaze: Studying Media Representations of Migrant Death at the Border - Karina Horsti Chapter 19: Racializing Space. Gendering Place: Black Feminism, Ethnography, and Methodological Challenges Online and IRL - Kishonna Gray Chapter 20: Mobile Methods: Doing Migration Research with the Help of Smartphones - Katja Kaufmann Chapter 21: Mobility, Media, and Data Politics - Will L. Allen Chapter 22: Twitter Influentials and the Networked Publics' Engagement with the Rohingya Crisis in Arabic and English - Ahmed Al-Rawi Part 3: Communities Chapter 23: The Performative Digital Africa: iROKOtv, Nollywood Televisuals, and Community Building in the African Digital Diaspora - Tori Omega Arthur Chapter 24: Queer Migration and Digital Culture - Lukasz Szulc Chapter 25: Out of Place: Refugees Navigating Nation, Self, and Culture in Former East Germany - Emily Edwards Chapter 26: (Re)loading Identity and Affective Capital Online: The case of Diaspora Basques on Facebook - Pedro J. Oiarzabal Chapter 27: Russophone Diasporic Journalism: Production and Producers in the Changing Communicative Landscape - Olga Voronova, Liudmila Voronova, & Dmitry Yagodin Chapter 28: Airtime and the public sphere: Candela Radio's contribution to the integration of immigrant communities in the Basque Country - Irati Agirreazkuenaga & Estitxu Garai-Artetxe Chapter 29: Recasting Home: Indian Immigrants and the World Wide Web - Madhavi Mallapragada Chapter 30: Migrations and the Media between Asia and Latin America: Japanese Brazilians in Tokyo and Sao Paulo - Jessica Retis Part 4: Borders and Rights Chapter 31: Borders and the Contagious Nature of Mediation - Huub Dijstelbloem Chapter 32: The Oromo Movement and Ethiopian Border-making Using Social Media - Payal Arora Chapter 33: Digital Humanitarianism in a Refugee Camp - Léa Macias Chapter 34: The Politics of Vulnerability and Protection: Analysing the Case of LGBT Asylum Seekers in the Netherlands in Light of Securitization and Homonationalist Discourses - Christine Quinan, Dana Theewis, & Cecilia Cienfuegos Chapter 35: Young Displaced Women in Colombia and Media Use - Melissa Chacon Chapter 36: Communication Rights for Immigrants - Cees Hamelink & Maria Hagan Part 5: Representations Chapter 37: Migration, Race/Ethnicity and Sports Media Content - Jacco van Sterkenburg Chapter 38: Immigrant Families in European Cinema - Daniela Beghahn Chapter 39: Breaking the Silence: From Representations of Victims and Threat Towards Spaces of Voice - Kaarina Nikunen Chapter 40: Making Space for Oneself: Minorities and Self-Representation in Popular Media - Rosemary Pennington Chapter 41: Representations from a Multi-Stakeholders Perspective: A Research Agenda - Leen d'Haenens & Willem Joris Part 6: Spatialities Chapter 42: The Migration-Mobility Nexus: The Politics of Interface, Labor and Gender - Saskia Witteborn & Zhuoxiao Xie Chapter 43: The Cog that Imagines the System: Data Migration and Migrant Bodies in the Wake of Aadhaar - Nishant Shah Chapter 44: Automation versus Nationalism: Challenges to the Future of Work in the Software Industry - Nilanjan Raghunath Chapter 45: Civic Media, & Placemaking; (Re)Claiming Urban & Migrant Rights Across Digital and Physical Spaces - Giota Alevizou Chapter 46: Digital Place-Making Practices and Daily Struggles of Venezuelan Refugees in Brazil - Amanda Paz Alencar Chapter 47: Being at Home on Social Media: Online Place-Making among the Kurds in Turkey and Rural Migrants in China - Elisabetta Costa & JinXie Wang Chapter 48: YouTube as an Intercultural Space: Digital Narratives of Younger-Generation Migrants - Sherry Yu Part 7: Conflicts Chapter 49: Racisms, Migration and Media: A Reflection on Mutable Understandings and Shifting 'Problem Populations' - Gavan Titley Chapter 50: Anti-Immigrant Sentiments and Mobilization on the Internet - Mattias Ekman Chapter 51: National Politics, Transnational Resistance: Alevi Television during the State of Emergency in Turkey (2016-2018) - Kumru Berfin Emin Cetin Chapter 52: Diaspora Activism in Host and Home Countries: Motivations, Possibilities and Limits - Christine Ogan Chapter 53: Media, Recognition and Conflict-Generated Diaspora: the Somali Diaspora as a Case Study - Idil Osman Chapter 54: Conflict and Migration in Lebanese Graphic Narratives - Rasha Chatta Epilogue: On Giving and Being a Voice - Zaina Erhaim, Yazan Badran, & Kevin Smets Epilogue: Self-Reflections on Migration and Exile - Bermal Aydin
Due to the range of its themes, approaches, voices and contexts, this volume will be an indispensable guide to all scholars working on migration and media, and will furthermore open up a new space for methodological and conceptual reflection on a world in which movement and mediation are two sides of the same coin.
Arjun Appadurai 20190401
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