Whether you are contemplating studying at university or further education or already studying for a degree, Think Smart. Work Smart. is your definitive guide to getting in to the right gear to excel. It helps you think about yourself, improve your studies and your future career in logical easy-to-follow steps. It focuses on you and your study, your thinking and your approach to learning. It opens up different routes for you to improve work rate, grades and your connection with your chosen subject. It's the ideal study guide to get a better degree, to get a First or to get you out of an academic hole. The book proposes simple strategies for addressing a raft of common undergraduate problems and takes the reader through themed and progressive chapters, looking at better... Smarter approaches to save time and effort as well as maximising grades and enjoyment of university life. The book shows you how to: -Differentiate yourself - your class, year group, job applicants; -Thinking and working smart and strategically in an academic environment; -Welcome all opportunities of personal growth - values, goals, self-reflection; -Value time, master time-keeping and time management; -Become a reliable producer of high-quality high-volume work; -Start developing professional study and work habits; -Know how to fail your degree (and hence not do so!); and -Get access to a huge list of tips, tricks, and apps to help your study
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