Unter den Romanautoren zählt Thomas Mann (1875-1955) zu den größten. Doch neben, mit und in der literarischen Produktion hat er auch wichtige Beiträge zur politischen Philosophie geleistet. Diese will der Schwerpunkt dieses Bandes, der 150 Jahre nach Thomas Manns Geburtstag erscheint, wieder aufspüren. Wieder - denn seinerzeit hatte Manns Stimme Gewicht: während der Weimarer Republik, als er sich schnell vom Gegner zum Unterstützer der ersten deutschen Republik entwickelte, erst recht während der Nazizeit vom US-Exil aus, wo die Presse ihn als «Hitler's most intimate enemy» adelte, aber auch danach, als Mann die junge Bundesrepublik, von der Schweiz aus, kritisch begleitete. Diese Zeiten wieder lebendig machend, untersucht die Autorin Manns Beiträge zur politischen Philosophie. Dabei kommen sowohl Manns politische Schriften und Reden als auch seine berühmten Romane und Novellen zu Wort.
Thmoas Mann (1875-1955) is, inarguably, one of the greatest novelists. But alongside, with and in his literary production, he also made important contributions to political philosophy. 150 years after Mann's birth, this year's focus aims to track these down again. Again because Mann was an important political voice in his time. This was already the case during the Weimar Republic, where he quickly went from opponent to supporter of the first German republic. Even more so during the Nazi era from exile in the US, where the press ennobled him as "Hitler's most intimate enemy." And afterwards Mann, from Switzerland, critically accompanied the young Federal Republic of Germany. Bringing these times back to life, the focus examines Mann's political writings and speeches, Mann's famous novels, and Mann's novellas.
Thmoas Mann (1875-1955) is, inarguably, one of the greatest novelists. But alongside, with and in his literary production, he also made important contributions to political philosophy. 150 years after Mann's birth, this year's focus aims to track these down again. Again because Mann was an important political voice in his time. This was already the case during the Weimar Republic, where he quickly went from opponent to supporter of the first German republic. Even more so during the Nazi era from exile in the US, where the press ennobled him as "Hitler's most intimate enemy." And afterwards Mann, from Switzerland, critically accompanied the young Federal Republic of Germany. Bringing these times back to life, the focus examines Mann's political writings and speeches, Mann's famous novels, and Mann's novellas.