Understanding dynamics in condensed media is a
subject of contemporary interest in chemistry and
physics. Our studies have been focused on
photo-induced vibrational and electronic dynamics of
halogens in ices and clathrate hydrates. The goal of
our research is understanding the dynamics of
halogens and solvent, the effect of the solvent on
dynamical observables - issues of fundamental
importance to chemistry. The focus of my research and
hence the subject of the thesis concerns the
photodynamical studies of molecular bromine and
iodine (the guest) isolated in ice (the host), as
part of a bigger aim in investigating photodynamics
in clathrate hydrates. Our studies of photo-induced
vibrational and electronic dynamics of molecular
halogens in these complex media aim at addressing the
following issues, which are of fundamental importance
to physical chemistry: How do the ice or clathrate
hydrate environments affect the dynamics of the
trapped halogens? Can the guest chromophore be used
as a reporter of the structure and dynamics of the
surrounding complex medium?
subject of contemporary interest in chemistry and
physics. Our studies have been focused on
photo-induced vibrational and electronic dynamics of
halogens in ices and clathrate hydrates. The goal of
our research is understanding the dynamics of
halogens and solvent, the effect of the solvent on
dynamical observables - issues of fundamental
importance to chemistry. The focus of my research and
hence the subject of the thesis concerns the
photodynamical studies of molecular bromine and
iodine (the guest) isolated in ice (the host), as
part of a bigger aim in investigating photodynamics
in clathrate hydrates. Our studies of photo-induced
vibrational and electronic dynamics of molecular
halogens in these complex media aim at addressing the
following issues, which are of fundamental importance
to physical chemistry: How do the ice or clathrate
hydrate environments affect the dynamics of the
trapped halogens? Can the guest chromophore be used
as a reporter of the structure and dynamics of the
surrounding complex medium?