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Get up to speed on Git for tracking, branching, merging, and managing code revisions. Through a series of step-by-step tutorials, this practical guide takes you quickly from Git fundamentals to advanced techniques, and provides friendly yet rigorous advice for navigating the many functions of this open source version control system. This thoroughly revised edition also includes tips for manipulating trees, extended coverage of the reflog and stash, and a complete introduction to the GitHub repository. Git lets you manage code development in a virtually endless variety of ways, once you…mehr

Get up to speed on Git for tracking, branching, merging, and managing code revisions. Through a series of step-by-step tutorials, this practical guide takes you quickly from Git fundamentals to advanced techniques, and provides friendly yet rigorous advice for navigating the many functions of this open source version control system.
This thoroughly revised edition also includes tips for manipulating trees, extended coverage of the reflog and stash, and a complete introduction to the GitHub repository. Git lets you manage code development in a virtually endless variety of ways, once you understand how to harness the system's flexibility. This book shows you how. Learn how to use Git for several real-world development scenarios Gain insight into Git's common-use cases, initial tasks, and basic functions Use the system for both centralized and distributed version control Learn how to manage merges, conflicts, patches, and diffs Apply advanced techniques such as rebasing, hooks, and ways to handle submodules Interact with Subversion (SVN) repositories - including SVN to Git conversions Navigate, use, and contribute to open source projects though GitHub
"Besonders das Kapitel über Merges ist sehr interessant und detailreich geschrieben und man erfährt eine Menge Dinge über Mergestrategien und wie sie in einem verteilten Versionssystem anzuwenden ist. Hier könnten sich andere Bücher über Versionskontrollsysteme durchaus eine Scheibe abschneiden." - IT-Stammtisch Darmstadt, Januar 2010

"[Das Buch bietet] eine bislang nicht da gewesene Tiefe: komplizierte Merge-Szenarien, Tipps für Teams mit verteilten Repositories, typische Fallstricke beim scheinbar mühelosen Ändern bereits erfolgter Commits. All das macht das Buch zum kaum entbehrlichen Ratgeber für Git, dessen Entwicklung immmer noch rasant fortschreitet. [...]ausgesprochen dicht geschrieben und gespickt mit Informationen, die so kondensiert noch niemand zusammengetragen hat." - Linux-Magazin, August 2009